Chapter - 29 Accident

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We all get stuck in something bad, but remember to always pay attention to your surroundings. Kiara:


I was back home packing up while I was on the phone with Higa, he and I have been on call for about an hour now going over data about the VRTP.

"Oh we should like so build like a name on top of it."

I laugh at his joke. "And that is?"

I pack my shirts up and my pants last. "Like the VRTP by Kiara." The way he says my name made me chuckle but it was silly of him to end my name near the end of the actually name to the VRTP.

I laugh again and did not like that idea at all. "No, no, let's not give it any name to put on it let's leave it the way it is."

I tell him as I grab my bags and take them downstairs. "Everything pack up dear?"

I hear my grandmother from the other end. "Yes Grandma all set."

Higa is drinking something from the other end and how can I tell because he is slurping his drink so loudly. "Can you not be so loud with that gosh dang drink?" I say.

"Oh my bad M'lady." I stop and freeze dead in my tracks. I remember somebody else calling me that not just Higa but someone else.

That blur figure.

That blur Image.

That golden hair.

Those green ocean eyes.

Who have I seen before with such details?

"Kiara you there?" I snap from my daze and go back to speaking to Higa.

"Sorry I'm here." I place the my bags down and see my uncle coming in and picking up my stuff. I mouthed thank you to him as he leaves.

"Oh just making sure." He continues to drink his drink so loudly again.

"Gotta go Higa let me know if you need anything else with the VRTP." I didn't really have to go but I needed to get away from that sound he was making with his drink.

I had this boy turn down to like 14% and I could still hear him.

"Oh alright be safe see you back here soon!" I remove the phone from my ear and hang up I just stare at the phone as I place it behind my back pant pocket.

"You ready hun?" I nod and walk outside and walk over to the car.

"Can I go and say goodbye to my friends? The airplane doesn't leave until the next two hours." Oh yeah did I mention we are taking a plane? How fun.

I check my watch and back up to them. "Yeah you can go ahead, we have plenty of time before we go."

I thank them and flip out my phone and texted them. Only Sino, and Kirito, and Asuna, were free everyone else were busy so they told me to meet them at the cafe.

And which I did.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

I enter the cafe to see Kirito, and Asuna, and Sinon, sitting down I see that Asuna is holding her phone against her chest and I hear her say. "Knowing that is Kirito heart beating I just get all warm and a nice feelings inside."

Kirito shakes his head and smiles his eyes find mine and waves me over.

"Kiara." Sinon smiles at me and I sat down next to her.

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