Chapter - 2 Floor 55.

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A battle for a new life? Bring it on. Kiara:


The three of us walk to the next boss floor, is it really gonna be enough?

Just the three of us on floor 55?

"Are we almost there yet." Emiko says behind us both.

"No Emiko we are not yet." I inform her once again, she has been going on about this for the past ten minutes.

"So once we get there, we should all do a team plan! Like who attacks what first." She just doesn't shut up.

I love her to death but this is just annoying.

"Well Emiko is it?" Kirito says.

"Yeah it is, what do you want creep." She glares at him over his shoulder.

"I think you should leave the fighting to me and Kimiko here." He points out.

She shakes her head back and forth throwing her arms in front of her like a spoil child not getting what they wanted. "Huh?! No way!"

"I'm just saying because we both have good skills and you're not there just yet-"

"What is that suppose to mean you asshole!"

She is now yelling yet again, I turn around giving her a look to shut her face up.

"Oh right, sorry." She lowers her head down and faces the ground as we continue to walk to the next floor.

"But I can handle myself out there, I mean I made it this far." She tells him, she wasn't wrong but her level says otherwise.

"Yeah by not attacking the powerful bosses." He stated and I chuckle at that comment.

He had a point.

"What is so funny huh! Kimiko?"

I shake my head and turn back to her.

"Oh no reason, Kirito does have a point here Emiko." I turn to face her as I walk backwards hands behind my back.

"You're a low skilled person here but you can help by healing us from behind?"

She shakes her head.

"I can do it Kiar-" I glare at her and she stops.


I nod in approval and force a smile across my face and turn back around.

"What was that about?" Kirito questions blinking at us both.

"Don't worry about it." I say really he didn't need to know anything about me.

We walk half way through the floor 54 and let me say it was a walk, we had to take small breaks in between the walking there.

We finally made it.

The main floor to get to the boss room.

"Wow, that is a lot of stairs." Emiko said, her eyes scanning every bit of it.

"Emiko?" I turn to her and she is ghosted right now.

"Uhh, yes?" She laughs nervously.

"Oh dear." I shake my head.

"Let's go." Kirito walks inside and I follow behind him.

We were close to floor 55, we just had to get to the door but monsters were blocking it so, we attacked.

"Ahh!" I swing my blades at them cutting them in half, I can't use my rare power all the time I can only use it like two times in a row meaning I need to keep it for back up, for bigger bosses.

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