Chapter - 22 First shot gun.

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Don't hide the truth, come clean and say what needs to be said. Kiara:


"Oh a lot." I say she nods as she walks over to the computer screen pulling up my data from where I was.

I pull myself to my feet and walk over to Kirito who is still under. Is he still in the battle?

"Is he okay?" I see that he was also sweating a lot, and panting.

"Yeah, he is just in a battle or something because he seems to be using that big smart brain of his a lot lately." Aki says walking back in with a phone in her hand.

"Here it's Kikuoka just as you ordered." I grab the phone from her hand and place it to my ear as I give him no time to speak.

"Hey." I started. "Well, well, how are you liking GGO so far Miss Kiara?"

I wanted to say it was okay and I liked it but I needed to get to the details. "Listen, I found something fishy about a player."

"Oh?" Kikuoka hums from the other end meaning for me to go on. "Well let me start from the beginning."

I began the suspicious story, I told him how I ran into somebody who knew who Kimiko was. And I told him a little bit more about the guy named Spiegel.

I told him how I think how he took my intercom to keep in touch with Kirito, and that's why I think he is lying.

I knew for fact I had that Intercom in my ear it wouldn't just fall out and why did he lean in so close like that too?

And the fact he knows that I'm Kimiko from SAO he doesn't seem to like that name or me for that matter.

"Hmm.." Kikuoka hums lightly from the other end of the line. "Are you sure?" I give a quick roll to my eyes and said.

"Nah, I just wanted to call and say how yah doing honey?" I heard silence on his end and he says.

"Very well then, good work I will put in a team member to find this so call Spiegel, nice work Kiara."

He says to me, I don't feel like it was a nice work. I lost my way to keep in touch with Kirito what if this creep is haunting him down right now?

"Hello?" I heard someone say in my right ear. "Oh sorry, still here thanks for Complement."

I didn't really wanna hear well done, or great job. I just wanna make sure Kirito is alright.

"Well, just get back in there and keep an eye on him and let us know what is going on."

Kikuoka asked me. "No sweat." I hung up and hand the phone back to Aki.

"My, my, you got your work cut out for yourself huh?" She says with a smile, I chuckled and shake my head.

"Yeah, not looking forward to it at all." I tell her as I walk back over to my side of the room before I did so I asked her. "Is there anyway I can see Kirito before I go back in?"

She leans on the wall with such a small smirk peeking her lips right now. "Are you two like a thing or something?" Aki says.

My mind is trying to understand what she means then it clicks. "Ew! God no!" I shake my head faster moving away from her. "Why would you even ask that?" 

"Was just wondering, sure go ahead and see him." She says moving to the side so I could walk past her.

I walk around the other side of the wall and see him lying still on the bed, He seems at peace but really he is fighting for his life right now.

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