Chapter - 26 Rath.

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A new beginning means a new start. Kiara:


I took the time last night and wrote out my letter to Mr, kikuoka. I fill out the note he gave me and called him.

Thanks to Kirito and Yuuki and Asuna I was able to sit back and do it.

I was scared, but scared of what? I sighed and click his name to call him.

It rings a few time and I heard a light.

"Hello, this is Mr kikuoka, speaking." I took a deep breath getting my thoughts together in order before I speak my next words to him.

"Hey, it's Kiara I'm in."

"Wonderful, did you fill out the paper I gave you?" He asked, his voice calm and mine is a stuttering mess.

"Yes, it's all done." I say as I held it in my hand.

"Wonderful, meet me tomorrow at 2:00 by the cafe and I shall bring my friend with me so you two can get started." He says lightly.

"Alright see you tomorrow then Mr kikuoka."

I hang up and I look round to make sure I was alone, I cheered. Can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I did this.

I call Kirito and I told him that I did it he knew I would it just took me a few to actually do it.

"Congratulations, I knew you could do it." He says over the other line.

"Yeah I don't know why I was so worried about it." I chuckled.

"Oh here Asuna and Yui wanna say something, gonna put you on speaker." He tells me, and with that I hear the most yelling of my life from the other end.

"Congratulations!!!!" They yell.

"OW!" I pull the phone away and laughed and pull it back to my ear.

"Thanks guys, but that was a bit too loud for my liking." I rub at my head from that.

I lean back into my chair and relax for a moment, listening to the two couples in the background chatting away. "So when do you start?" Kirito speaks through the other end.

"Well, I'm meeting kikuoka tomorrow at 2:00."

"Sweet! Well good luck!" I lean up looking at the clock knowing I should at least try and get some sleep before tomorrow.

"Thanks and thank you for helping me, hey will you join me?" I asked, I mean he owns me for going with him last time and this is also his idea as well.

"I can try but not sure if I can, I promised Asuna I would take her out for a bit kikuoka also needed me for something as well because one I already have join Rath a bit ago now."

He already join Rath? 

Nice of him to tell me sooner than later.

"Oh no, no sweat if you can't!" I said and after that I hung up and just chilled in the chair, I didn't mean to be rude and hang up like that but I needed to just relax before tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the big day.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

I walk inside the cafe where me and Kirito and Kikuoka were at last time, the time where I was so lost on where I was at.

When we were all talking about this crazy killer in GGO.

"Here is your table Miss." Someone leads me to the tables and he wasn't here yet.

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