Chapter - 17 The rare skill.

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This is how life goes, you get up, work, eat, and fight throughout the day. Keep going. Kiara:


The game was real now. The game i wanted to make a new home out of is real.

I walk down the sideways to buildings of houses, my level was a bit higher then last time so.

I'm level 21 now, and i have been working none stop. It's been about a whole month now, i still haven't found Emiko.

I just hope she is safe and alive.

They already clear floor one and let me say it was hell. Floor one was impossible, three players, well people died that night.

And i ran into someone who was a beta tester, he goes by beater now or Kirito?

I think it was Kirito, not sure. He was the guy who was next to me to my far right with some other guy when all this hell started.

I just wish this wasn't real, maybe this is a punishment for me for wanting to live in another world, in a VR world.

Maybe this is a way of me learning what would happen if i did leave my real life world to trade it for this game?

I sighed and picked up my pace a bit.

We are on floor two now and i was looking for a good place to rest for a bit, i was fighting big bugs this morning to catch a item but nothing good.

I heard there is three rare items and one of them is a skill, it's not just a item it's a skill that goes within you.

They call it the lighting flash, it's a way to destroy anything in it's way with just one swing and i want it.

Kimiko in my dreams had something like that, well me i guess?

I just wish i knew where Emiko is because i really need her by my side right now.

Is she alive?


Who knows.

Now about this rare skill, or rare item.

It's very popular and people want it badly, the only way to get it by catching a gold cat fish.

Not like the fish but it's a huge cat, monster like? And we have to destroy it to get the rare skill.

No one can get it because it's powerful and fast some died trying to get it, so what chance do i have?

Silly of me.

I don't like the idea of killing a cat, but it will come back in time but it's an event for that skill item.

After walking about 30 minutes down the sidewalk i found a place to rest and called it a night.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

I walk deep into the forest trying to be the first one to catch this rare skill, and this so call hard unbeatable cat, i will take it down.

This rare power will keep me alive and i wanna learn how to be a strong swordswoman.

I reach for my twin blades that are lock in place behind my upper back.

And swing them out to my sides.




Then i hear a crack somewhere around me. I jump immediately around a tree to cover myself up.

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