Chapter - 11 I'm home?

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Home is something we love to be in but sometimes we need a place of freedom. Kiara:


Everything is so different.

Why does everything, seem and feel so different?

Why does it all feel so odd and weird?

"Asuna.." A light gasp was heard not to far from me.

Kirito? Kirito what's wrong?

Why can't i remember? Where are they? I can only hear their voices.

"I'm sorry, goodbye." Asuna? No you can't leave. You can't go.

"On November 7th at 2:55 P:M, The game has been cleared, Repeat the game has been cleared."

That's right now i remember Kirito saved us all, Asuna saved Kirito from being killed.

Emiko, can you forgive me? Can you forgive me returning home without- You-

"Of course. Now Kiara wake up everyone is waiting for you."

The sound of a beep echo's around a small room. My eyes stayed shut until i hear a light gasp coming somewhere around me. I flutter my eyes open as the bright lights stare right back at me.

"Oh my god." A female's voice shock as day as i didn't dare to face them.

"I need doctor Jiro in here now!" Why does she need a doctor? Was i injured?

I hear footsteps echoing down a hallway so loud they must be running, running towards me.

"She is awake!" Someone shouts from my far right, my head hurts so much i wanted to ask them all to shut up. 

Shut up.

"Call Kikuoka, tell him she is awake." This time it was a male who spoke but who was Kikuoka?

I look around and see I'm in a room, not mine. This room is fill with windows one is open letting the fresh air in, the real air.

I look down to see i was sitting on a bed or lying on a bed, i can't even tell if I'm dreaming this all or not.

I turn my gaze over to spot flowers.

Flowers on a table side, fresh flowers, they look more real then the VR ones.

I pull my hands up above me and stare at them, Are these my real hands? I lower it to touch my face, is this my real face?

After two long years is this the real me?

My real body? My real self? I lower my hands back down to my side.

"He will be here as soon as he can." One of them says, but like i said i didn't dare to even face anyone i was too busy trying to accept the fact I'm awake and alive.

"Let's remove the helmet." I blink, and blink as i try and process everything around me, these people who are near me, speaking to me. 

I feel hands touching my face and i feel the helmet being removed from my head. "Okay, Kiara can you hear us?" I feel hands touching my shoulders but i can't seem to look at them.

But something comes back to my cloudy mind, Emiko.

My friend, is gone.

People, so many people died for what reason? I can see something covering my vision, fog? water? I blink them away and feel the warmth of something sliding down my face.

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