Chapter - 3 Knights of the blood Oath.

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When i see you again, i will bring your roses mama. Kiara:


I stand in an open area fog is surrounding me as i blink around and try to understand where i am.

But something catches the corner of my eye as i turn to see whom stands ahead of me their back turn to me.

"Kiara." They speak my name.

But how would they know me? I'm in SAO still.

Did i die?

What, but how do they know my name...

"Kiara, my sweet angel, come to your mother."

There back was still turn to me but when she speaks the word. Mother i wanted nothing more to do then run to her.

"Mom?" My voice was shaky a hint of believe in my tone was it her? 

Was i finally forgiven to see her again?

When she turns around and throws the hood over her head i see her face.

Her beautiful face that i have been dying to see once again.

It's her! I know it's her!


I run to her tears streaming down my face she is here, she is alive!

I jump into her arms as she wraps her them around me keeping me safe and sound.

"Oh kiara, why did you leave us?"

I shake my head i didn't want too, i never wanted anything to bad happen.

"I didn't mean to Mom, but it's all over now you're here!"

I sob again, i didn't care, i was here with my Mother but she smells odd...

Like rotting flesh.

I pull back to see glass sticking out of her skin, her eyes held nothing behind them her body was deformed her neck broken, her smiles stares deeply into my eyes.

"Kiara, come back, be with us."

She folds her arms out again, i back away knowing this isn't my true Mother, she is dead gone a dream!

"Kiara get back here now!" She shouts.

I shake my head running away i run and run not sure where but away from this horror site.

I ran down an open area with roads, a truck comes up around the corner, slamming hard onto their breaks i stop dead in my tracks and the truck slams into me.


I shot up holding my head, i blink a few times looking around my surroundings.

Emiko is still asleep, meaning it was just a dream, why am i dreaming in a VR game?

I shake the thoughts away swinging my legs out from the blankets and bring my feet to the ground.

It's so weird how you can feel everything in this game like in the real world.

Even though my mind is just playing tricks on me i know i can't really feel anything.

I stand walking over to the bathroom, i shut the door behind me and stare at my reflection in the mirror sometimes i wish i can just shatter it, but it won't help me escape from my past.


I open the door again to see Emiko sitting up on her knees rubbing the sleepiness away from her eyes.

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