Chapter - 27 The teleporter.

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I sat down with Higa for a bit of time now, with that we went through a lot of research to see how we can build this in time, or how long it could take.

We were going through data after data on what we need to do to start working on this.

"Hmm." Higa says staring up at the screen, his chin rested on his palm as he looks through files after files.

"What?" I say leaning closer to see what he is looking at that has him so focus on this.

"Let me see that picture of the VRTP again."

I nod and flip out my laptop he takes it and connected it to the main screen.

I nod and flip out my laptop he takes it and connected it to the main screen

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"Wow the 3D on this is pretty cool, nice drawing and edit." Higa complemented as he stares up at it.

"Yeah, the main thing if we build it on our end we can have maybe workers on the other end?" I add in as we continue to look into this more.

"Hmm, maybe but we gotta work harder I mean everyday."

Thank god for summer break.

I say to myself, and look back at the screen.

"Okay so let's talk about how long are we talking about."

I look at Higa as he rested his hand on his lower chin.

"Hmm, maybe about the end of this year?"

He looks back up at me.

"Maybe sooner even three months I can build pretty fast this only took me like 5 months to make." He tells me. Higa is smart I know we can get this done together if we work together.

"What the underworld?" He nods, as he explains his next idea.

"Yeppers, I was the person who made it and my buddy is in charge of it all."

Oh cool.

"Alright back to the main mission let's see where we could put it at in the underworld where it won't make such a big deal."

He stops and stares for a moment.

"Everything ok?"

I asked.

"What if..." He turns and shouts for Kikuoka.

"Come here!"

Kikuoka rushes over with a questionable look on his face.

"What's wrong Higa?"

He points to the VRTP and says.

"What if we were able to bring Alice into this by having her true form come into the real world?" He says with such a shock look on his face.

They both stare at each other and I break the silence by saying.

"Who is Alice?"

They both look my way and Kikuoka sighs.

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