Chapter - 6 Laughing Coffin.

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There is nothing we can prove to people, they have to trust in us and learn. Kiara:


Kirito please save us.

Why was i think he could come and save us out of all people i was with? what about Asuna? Klein? Who else is there to even think about.

"Keep walking." Someone pushes me from behind me almost making me fall over, i catch my balance before i did fall flat on my face.


"Here we are pretty lady." Somebody speaks from behind me their tone deep and wild. Their hands brushes my back pushing me forward.

Am I gonna live after this? What is it that they want from me anyways? I sure am hell am not gonna give it up to them. "Are you creeps gonna tell me what you want from me or are we just gonna go and sit back and have some tea?"

I smirk over my shoulder trying to piss them off, and get some reaction out of them.

But someone on my far right speaks up not buying my act, or my sarcasm. "Once we enter than we will tell you." They seem very familiar, it's their voice i heard that voice before hand but where and who?

"Tie her over there." They walk me over to a chair a chair that is metal and cuffs on the armrest, what scares me more is the wires around them. And for once I'm scared I don't fear death or fear people but I'm scared.

Scared, I'm scared, I don't wanna die... They won't kill me if they need information or something from me, which i still don't know what it is they want so badly.

"Sit." They push me into the chair as i land into it only slamming my face right into the side of the armrest.

"Asshole." I snap looking up at him.

Before i know he grips my chin forcing me to look up at as he drags a weak little pocket knife down my right cheek. "What did you say bitch?" He spits in my face as i smell his unwelcome breath.

I smiled up at him showing no fear right now, i love messing with peoples heads.


He bites his lower lip and leans in closer I spit in his face and he backs away wiping it off with the back of his hand.

"Aww, sorry did I get some in your eye?" I mock trying to piss him off enough to buy some time for no reason really.

I kick him backwards making him lose his balance as i grab my twin blades from my upper back and swing one open to cut the ties on my wrist.

They really should have taken my blades away these people are dumb as a freaking fly.

I swing the other one out, I bite the tip of my finger drawing the blood across my blade again and they glow with the energy.

"One swing, and you're all dead." Even if they are all red players I can still take half of them.

Half of them only have somewhat health left.

"Please, no need for violence." I was force to look at the boy who is clapping their hands walking into the light showing me their face so well from where they stand.

I knew it.

I knew it was him.

"Haruki." He smiles up at me his smile held so much disgust for my eyes i never knew he would join a party like this really.

"Long time no seen kimiko." I glare ahead at him not paying this shit act of his.

About two year ago we formed a party just this once so I could help him get that rare item I have but when I took it he tried to kill me at the end.

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