Chapter - 31 The lighting flash blades.

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The tails of the twin blade swords are not just a myth, but they are a legend. Kiara:


"Kiara." Five more minutes, I toss and turn the other way blocking out their voice.

"Kiara." My name was called out again did I wanna listen and respond? No.

I rolled around not wanting to wake up, or give them what they wanted.

"Come on Kiara!" I turn around pulling the cover away from my face to see who was yelling for me. I blink up at the person golden long hair braided to the side, their dark and mysterious blue eyes blink back at me.

"Alice?" The name slips from my mouth like it was someone I use to know. 

They stop and stare down at me, eyes-wide their mouth hangs open a bit as they continue to blink down at me.

"What did you just say?"

I roll up and out of bed and stare at whom seems to be just only Selka, where did the name Alice come from?

"Sorry." I clear my throat.

"I don't know why I said Alice, the name just pop up in my head out of nowhere." I explain as much as I could but her face still looks in shock.

"What?" I bite the inside of my cheek in frustration I don't like people looking at me for this long.

She doesn't answer but she spins on her heels and walks to the door.

"You missed prayers, and breakfast, so come on." I nod and grab my shoes and placed them on.

It's been two weeks now since I have been stuck in this world.

Still no way out so that is that.

After I placed on my shoes I headed towards the door and made my way out down the hall.

I walk in the dining room area and I see people around my age again, I have not made any friends in this world, or in this place it's just been me and Selka lately.

I shake my head and head to a table where Selka was.

"Hi." I say to her.


She picks up a small piece of pie and places it down on her plate.

"Do you know someone named Alice? You don't have to tell me, but you kind of looked really shocked back down." I reach over for an apple and started to take a bite from it.

She stops her body starting to tense up, as she stares down at her plate.

"Yes in a way you could say she was my sister." She explains.

"Oh." As she goes on about her sister, something else catches my attention.

Three girls behind me talking about something I wanna hear about. Now that I don't like hearing about Alice, but this is something I always love to hear about.

"Yeah and let me say the lighting flash blades is only worthy to someone who can hold it."

The one girl said.

Then the other one speaks.

"Yeah I heard that it can make lighting and somewhat like a storm!"

Someone else speaks.

"Yeah and wind, gust, hail, lighting, rain, it's so cool!" I jump to my feet and rush over to them.

I know I shouldn't know but I'm a person who can handle two blades.

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