Chapter - 25 Goodbye Yuuki.

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This chapter will contain spoilers if you have not read or even watch the show. Do not read this.

I do not own sword art online. This is just my own fantasy, but I wanted to add this.

I hope everybody enjoy.

I know I didn't because I was crying writing this.

When we lose someone it can break us but remember to stay strong out there. Kiara:

(𝗙𝗲𝘄 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿.)


"Asuna!" I turn around and see Kiara running up to me, I smiled at her. It was nice seeing her smiling and coming around for a change.

"Hey Kiara, what's up?" She stops a few feet and tries to catch her breath.

"Jeez everyone has been looking for you."


"Why what's up?" She smiles and says.

"We made Yuuki a gift for her get well present."

Aww. Now that is worth hearing.

"Awh, how sweet of you I should be seeing her again in time, just waiting to hear from her doctors."

I tell her, it has been a while since I was able to see her. I wasn't allowed to visit her due to a transfer she was going through.

"Right, well please let us know how she is, it's been a while since we all actually talked to her."

I nodded.

"I will don't you worry."

I walk over to my seat and sat down before class started.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

"Over there Asuna!" Yuuki said from the small little camera Kirito built for her.

I wanted her to be able to have fun and enjoy life while she could, she is strong and I believe she is gonna make it through this.

Yuuki unfortunately was very ill and had the disease, AIDS as you can call it.

Doctors said there was no way for her to be healed from it, because it has been throughout her life for almost years now.

So I decided to give Yuuki these few months of nothing but fun and things she wanted to see and at least try and do.

Like school.

See and meet new people.

Be able to see things she wasn't allow to be around to see for.

I walk down the boardwalk that leads to the ocean, I wasn't allow to tell her what I was doing. Because Kiara said to keep it a secret it was her big surprise gift that everyone was planning for her.

"Where are we going Asuna?" Yuuki asked. "Oh somewhere, I wanna show you something I think you will like."

I tell her, I see the small camera on my shoulder turn to face me.

"You're up to something Asuna." I shake my head and say.

"What me? Please." I laughed and she did too, the sound of her laughs fills this night evening it almost breaks my heart. I wish I had found her sooner. Maybe I could've done something.

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