Chapter - 19 The Truth.

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The past and the truth can hurt but sometimes we have to learn from them and move forward. Kiara:


I wanted to tell her everything, everything i possible can.

It will be hard yes, but she deserves to know why I have been this way for some time now, why i have locked myself in my room and away from her and everything around me.

"Mama, look." I lean back up against the chair and begin my story.

"When my Father, and Mother and Baby brother and my older sister died, I was a mess." I explain, the look she gave me broke her knowing she was suffering too.

"I missed them dearly, and I felt like their deaths were my fault." I say facing her from across the room.

"My brother and sister would always say I was a jinx to the family and from this day on I believe that they are right." She doesn't look away yet she doesn't question me yet she kept her eyes on mine and listened to me while i told her everything.

She was waiting for me to come and talk to her when i was ready to and I'm glad she didn't push me until i was ready to do so.

"After their deaths, and when I went back to school I met someone, Emiko was her name and without her I wouldn't still be here, i was planning something."

I say low, and cold as i shift around in my chair trying to find the right words to put all this together try not to scare her like she needs to reach out and find me help right away.

"What do you mean you wouldn't still be here without her?"

I sighed, as i look back up my eyes were becoming blurry as i knew tears were coming my way. "Mama, I was gonna end my life." I say but i see her stand up as she scans my face her tears falling down her face.

"Why, Kiara why would you do such a thing!" She yells a bit, it wasn't anger it was sadness and concern, and confusion mix with her emotional tone.

I cut her off as i stare up at her and wipe my own tears away with the back of my hand. "Please, let me keep talking." She blinks at me and nods lightly sitting back down as i gave her a light nod of appreciation.

"When Emiko came here that day she had a gift for me." I try my hardest to explain this as well as I could, not sure if she knew about the gift at all.

"I saw that, she told me on the way that she had something for you and i was the one who told her you were upstairs." She tells me.

"The gift she got me was an NerveGear, a way for people to enter a VR world."

She tilts her head lightly as she lifts one brow up in confusion. "What is a VR?"

I shake my head and smile up at her. "A virtual reality world."

I lean forward and speak again.

"Like you're there but not really there, it's like a world that you can try and live in." I say as she nods her head like she is trying to understand it all.

"Oh." Is all she says in return, "I see, but what does any of this have to do with the way you have been?" She asked calmly as i try my hardest to tell her the truth.

The one i have been holding onto ever since the day i came back here.

"Emiko, my friend, who loved me more than a friend died saving me when I was trap in SAO for two years." I lower my head down and faced the floor, I need to do this.

"After when she died, after I promised her I would bring her back to the real world."

I held my hands together and rested my elbows onto my upper knees.

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