Chapter - 12 I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry, I'm sorry that sometimes we fought and screamed at each other but always know i still love you no matter what. Kiara:


I sat across the table from my grandmother, she eats quietly, as i just stare at my full plate. 

"Eat, before it gets cold Kiara." I shift the plate away and say. "I'm not hungry right now Grandma."

Her smiles fades now she stares at her half eaten plate. "I see." She pushes her chair back and stands to her feet.

She stares at me, and smiles as i look away and try to avoid her at all cost.

"Well I'm gonna go clean up please try and eat soon ok?"

I just keep staring at my food, knowing what's the point. Why should i be enjoying food when i have blood on my hands? Even Emiko's blood.

"Hey." She walks over to me placing a hand under my chin to lift it up so i can see her.

She smiles and places a small kiss to my forehead, and moves back.

"Get some rest i will clean up down here."

I nod and she walks away with her plate and heads to the kitchen. I headed towards the stairs and made my way up them.

I slowly walk down the hall, i reach for the doorknob and twist it open i step inside my room and shut the door behind me.

I walk over to the side of my bed and sat down on the side of it making it slightly dip from my light weight, slowly i look up and stare over at my small desk that is next to the end.

My laptop closed, school paper's everywhere. Then my eyes spot something two little girls on a picture frame.

I reach over to grab it and held onto it, Emiko and me when we were both 13 years old in this picture, her arms were around me as i smiled. Her smile was much bigger then mine.

I see a drop of water hit the glass case to the picture frame,. I reach out and touch my face feeling the warmth of them i was crying yet again.

I ignore it and look back down to see that big smile of hers, those dorky glasses that silly fluffy hair of hers. Her smile was so huge so happy, so like her.

Don't bother, I'm happy i get to die in my lovers arms.


I loved you as mine own, you were the one i liked from the start.

She did indeed love me more then just a friend.

I love you so much Kiara, win this, for us... And keep living for me... Find that person you treasure the most and tell them to care for you until the end.

I grip the frame harder biting my lower lip to keep my screams inside, knowing i just want to let it all out.

"I'm sorry!" A sob came out of me.

"I'm so sorry, Emiko!"

You loved me and yet i was so blind to see so, you wanted to tell me for so long.

Even though i didn't feel the same way towards her but i still loved her like my own sister.

My own new sister.

I hold the picture frame of us against me and i lay on my side, allowing myself to be weak yet again, to break again and allow myself to forget why i was breaking down once again.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽:

Kiara! The dream rings over and over. The same one i have been hearing for the past five minutes.

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