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A morning like every other morning.
Short staffed, the other nurses acting like beginners and some idiots that got injured during training.
Nothing new.
I couldn't understand how they always managed that.

I had served myself for a couple of years before I settled to become a medic in my old base.
I was a better medic than a soldier.

And here I was in charge.
They had to listen.
But I could never understand how they got these bloody injuries during training.

Most of them were just young idiots.
But what really pissed me off was the TF 141.

The only bearable person was Gaz.
He was nice to me.

But the others?

Soap, König and Ghost where the most annoying people I had ever met.
With their cocky behaviour, sexist and misogynistic jokes.

They acted like teenage boys on crack.
I couldn't understand how captain Price just couldn't control them.

Much to my dismay they had chosen me for their fucked up games.
They made a big deal out of it.
They would rather bleed out then to let another nurse touch them.

This didn't meant they appreciated me.
No no they did that to make my life hell.

They would misbehave and make the procedure more difficult than necessary just to rile me up.
And it didn't stop there.

I got called in the middle of the night so much I couldn't count anymore.
Even when It wasnt my shift, I had to show up just because of them.
And because they were the best, the precious task force 141 they got what they wanted.

Price apologised every time.
Even Gaz apologised to me for them.

But they?

Never a thank you or an apology.
But because Price was the captain I had to do it.
When he ordered me to I had no bloody chance.

And the way they all acted different towards me made my blood boil.

Soap was the cockiest.
Always talking big words.
How he got the injury and how cool he was.
He flirted with me where he could.

It was disgusting.

Because it was no sweet flirting.
It was disgusting and filthy.
But nothing I couldn't work with.
My snarly comments and my rejections always kind of humbled him.

Ghost was just rude.
Bad at accepting help.
I had to argue with him every time before he would let me help.
And then he just couldn't stop commenting on my job. When I recommended that he could get another medic he refused.
After all he needed my help.
And I made that pretty clear.

Comments about how I could chose this over serving as a soldier were nothing new.
Which were followed by comments on how I wouldn't be a good soldier anyways.
I just didn't listend.
I was a damn good medic.
And I knew that.

What got to me sometimes where his comments about my appearance.
They came along side with his opinion I wouldn't be a good soldier.

I would t even look like one.
Too chubby, I probably couldn't even run a round without being out of breath.
I was never a really selfconscious woman.
I was fine with how I looked.
But this was just rude.
He knew nothing about me.

König was quite different.
The one thing I argued over with him the most was that he couldn't sit still.
How was I supposed to work?
It was so annoying.

His whining every time I had to stitch him to not fuck up one of his tattoos.
Comments about my appearance wasn't new with him either.

About how I was so tall for a woman,
why I would wear short hair,
about my outfits,
how I was so chubby.
I didn't thought being 5'7 and having shoulder length hair would bother anyone that much than it did to him.
But I often knew how to shut his 6'10 ass up.

I in general didn't went easy on them.
When I had to serve as their personal assistant all the time they had to pay for that.
They took every chance to annoy me.

One time they heard that I was on a date and literally created a situation just so I would have to come.

I never new why.
They were integrated in the base after I got a medic. We had never really talked to each other.
I had heard much about them but in general they knew nothing about me.

Since the base was very big they had a small apartment complex right on the ground.
I had a cute little apartment there.
Because of that I saw the guys pretty often.
But we never talked or interacted when it wasn't for an injury.

But after about a year I just accepted it.
This seemed to be my life now.
At least I had found really good friends with some other medics.

This morning was luckily pretty quiet.
So us being short staffed wasn't a problem.
I talked with two other medics at the front desk as I saw through the window of the front door how Captain Price approached the door.

I cursed under my breath.
Him being here was never a good sign.
I assumed that one of these idiots did something stupid again.

I really wasn't in the mood.
I had a hell of a weekend behind me.
So on instinct I ducked behind the front desk.
The other two girls had a hard time not to laugh as Price approached the counter.

„Mel I saw you. You know you can't just hide from me"

I whined a bit and got up.

„What now Captain?
It's Monday morning.
This can't possibly be.
I swear to god if one of these idiots did something unhinged and stupid again I'm gonna quit!"

„Calm down Mel.
It's not that deep.
You're overreacting"

Last time I had to patch up Soaps hand because he wanted to impress a girl with a knife trick and stabbed his hand!
It was in the middle of the night Cap!
Next time they do something like this I'm just gonna amputate the hand!"

He looked at me amused and smiled.
I shot him a annoyed look.

„No ones injured. Calm down.
I just need you in my office for a moment"

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

„Why do I not trust this?
But fine.
You got this here?
I believe in you"

I said winking at the girls and walked after Price.

„Can't possibly tell me now?"

I said sweet trying to shorten this.

„Nope. It's official. So just wait"

I actually got nervous.
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