A good training

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We couldn't even finish our conversation because Soap and Ghost came stumbling outside followed by a clearly annoyed Gaz.


Soap yelled and stumbled into my arms.
I had a hard time holding him up.

„Whoa how much did you two drink?"

Soap hummed in my ear while hanging in my arms.

„Enough. Can someone help me bring them home?"

Gaz whined.
He clearly also had a couple of drinks.

„Alright. Everybody get going."

I said loud and tried to steady Soap.
König pulled him off of me and helped him walk.
I slightly smiled up to König.

„Thank you"

He gave me a reassuring smile.

„Little miss sexy! You look cold come here!"

I was wrapped in Ghosts jacked and lifted up in his arms before I could even react.
I squeaked slightly.

„Ghost are you insane?"

„No he's drunk"

Added gaz laughing.
I tried to squirm out of his grasp but there was no chance.
So I accepted my faith and let him carry me back to the base.
In the end it was just warm and comfortable for me.

König bought Soap up to his apartment and Gaz and me tried to get Ghost to go to sleep.
We had made it to his apartment.

„So Ghost let me down please"

„No no you're coming with Me"

„No I'm not. Let me down"

He pouted but finally let me down.
I shoved him into his apartment and we helped him to at least get rid of his shoes.
As soon as he touched his mattes he passed out.

Gaz walked me to my apartment where König was waiting.

„What are you doing here?"

I asked confused.

„Just wanted to make sure you both get home safe"

he muttered.
I smiled sweet and thanked the two.

„You should sleep Gaz. You look terrible!"

„Yes ma'am"

With that he made his way to the stairs.
I looked after him laughing.

„Like little kids"


König laughed.
I turned back around and smiled up to him.
I still had Ghosts jacked wrapped around me.

„Thank you for the talk earlier. And sorry for always being so angry"

I smiled awkwardly.

„No problem. So tomorrow training?
I'll take the mask off.
You can probably forget these three tomorrow"

he laughed.

„Yeah sure. Thank you"

We looked at each other really awkwardly for a moment before he just turned around and left.
I got into my apartment and took off Ghosts jacked.

What a night.
I was suddenly so glad about that talk.
So he didn't just hated me?
At least it was something.

The next day i got up early and got some breakfast in the base kitchen.
I hadn't seen any of them the whole morning until I entered the training rooms.

I held back my laughter as I saw the whining and grumbling Soap and Ghost.
Gaz also didn't looked too good.

König waved me with an amused smile.
He was not wearing his mask wich made me strangely happy.

„Goooooood morning my princesses"

I said loud what caused them to flinch.
I held out Ghosts jacked to him.

„Oh there it is. Why do you have it?"

„Oh you thought ‚little miss sexy' was cold and carried me in your jacked back to the base."

Ghost looked clearly embarrassed.

„I'm so sorry"

„I'm glad Gaz and me could convince you that I shouldn't sleep in your apartment"

I winked wich caused him to groan and burry his face into his hands.
Soap was loud laughing.

„I wouldn't laugh that loud mister I can't even walk and had to be almost carried by König"

I grinned.
He quickly stopped laughing.

„You good Gaz?"

I asked patting his back.


he just mumbled.

„Look I'm sorry Mel but I can't train you today. If you hit me like last time I'm gonna throw up"

Ghost groaned.

„No problem König offered to train with Me"

Everyone was looking at us in clear disbelief.

„Don't look like that. Someone had to right?"

I gave König a big smile.
He nodded slightly.

„So I'm gonna warm up."

I waved them and started running.
Soap and ghost just sat there watching me running rounds.
It was hilarious.

After my warm up I came back.
König and I started training and it went surprisingly good.
I didn't leashed out.
Even though he got a hold of me a couple times.
He got quicker.

The others watched us still in disbelief.
As we finished I walked over.

„Still can't believe this is happening"

Soap grinned.
Ghost looked pretty pissed.

„Why do you still leash out on me but not him?"

„Mask Ghost! Did you never ask her what you can do or what is wrong?"

König spat from behind me.
Ghost got bright red and shook his head.

„Ehm I mean. You said I shouldn't treat you like glass so I ..."

„It's ok. It was a coincidence that I talked with you about it König.
I wasn't even sure that this is the right reason.
The Just a feeling"

„Well makes sense if you think of-„

Ghost stopped his sentence and looked at me.
I shot him a warning look.

„If you think of what?"

König asked narrowing his brows.


I answered short.
König just grunted annoyed.

„Doesn't matter. Thank you König for testing my theorie. I'm off to take a shower"

„Without me?"

Soap grinned.
I pretended to throw up.

„Grow up Soap!"

I yelled and waved.

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