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As soon as we had arrived back home König bought me to my apartment.

He helped me bring my suitcase inside and left.
The whole flight home my heart was aching.
The panic inside me raising.

The fear that he would reject me.
That this was nothing for him.

And sadly all my worries would stay.

Because a few hours after our arrival we got the news that we got deployed.
We had to leave the same evening.
The whole team.

I hadn't even had the chance to talk to Soap about anything.
And I knew he wanted to know everything.

I felt devastated.
Sitting in a plane again.
On the way into nowhere.
My head full of questions.

Next to me Gaz and Soap.
And across from me König and Ghost.

I avoided his gaze where I could.
This felt so awkward.
I clenched onto Gaz's hand.

„You're gonna brake it Mel!"

he whined a bit.


I muttered.
He looked over and smiled slightly.

„It's ok."

As I looked up I saw König.
I couldn't see his face behind his mask but his eyes had an expression of pure jealousy.
And his eyes were fixed on Gaz.

I really couldn't tell if I should find it cute or alarming.
König knew Gaz and me were just friends.
There was really no reason to be jealous.

But he kept looking like that until we arrived.
What was long.

We were really in the middle of nowhere.
Bloody cold and everything was frozen.

I closed my jacket to the tip of my nose.
Soap stood behind me rubbing my arms.

„Fucking hell. What a shit hole"

He muttered.
I chuckled and nodded.


The task seemed simple.
Inspect the enemies base, get enough information to get inside and gather information.

It was an easy thing.
Something we had done a lot of times.
So we decided to go for the best team.

Soap and me.
We worked out a plan.

We all would watxh the location for some days to find a way in.
As soon as we would find one Soap and me would go in.

And of course who was I partnered up with at one lookout point?


We barely talked.
We stood there, watching over a small wall down onto the factory building.

He was walking up and down.

At one point I got annoyed.
It was really distracting me.

„Could you stop?"


„The walking. It's distracting"

„I'm fucking cold!"

„Yeah me too but I can't change that"

He huffed and kept walking.

„Never mind. Just keep ignoring me"

I muttered and looked back down.
I suddenly could feel his presence right behind me.


I turned around and looked up into his ice blue eyes.

„I think you heard me"

I said dry.

„I'm not ignoring you."

„Yeah of course"

I wanted to turn back around but he didn't let me.
I looked back up.

„What's wrong Maus?"

The way he said this almost made me melt.

„Do you want to talk?"

„Not now König. I don't want to do this here.
I want to talk when we have the time.
But I also don't want you ignoring me"

„I'm not ignoring you. I just...I don't know how to act."

„Can't you just act like normally?
I mean it's work. Nothing has changed here right?"

I tilted my head slightly.

„Of course. I'm sorry if it seemed like I ignored you Maus. I'm just really cold and it all frustrates me so much"

„I know König. Me too. But it will go by and then we can talk ok?"

He nodded slightly.

„Come here"

I said and stuck my hands into his jacked pockets.
I rubbed my hands on his.
His hands were ice cold as always.

„How are your hands so warm?"

he sighed softly.

„They always are."

„Right I noticed that"

I couldn't see it but I could hear his smile.

„Ey König? Did you tell her? I can see you two."

I raised my eyebrows.
I could hear soap over the radio.

I looked up to König and could see the pure panic in his eyes.
Before he could answer w spoke again.

„Really I hope you told her. Man you look cute."

I could hear the others giggle over the com.

„Tell me what?"

I asked in the radio.


König sighed.

„Wrong channel Soap"

I looked over to where I knew Soap stood.
I could see how he ducked.

„I can see you Johnny! Tell me what?
And why wrong channel? Do you guys have a channel without me?"


I squeezed Königs hand and he yelped.

„Nothing. Really. The cold must have gone to his head."

„I don't believe you!"


He was pleading as I tightened my grip.
I could hear Soap laugh through the radio.

„Remember that we go in there together Mactavish ! I can make sure you don't come back"

The laughing died.

I relaxed my grip and laughed.
König shot me an apologetic look.

„Don't even mention it"

With that I let my head fall forward onto his chest.

We didn't talked any more about it but the tension relaxed a bit.
We acted like always.
Or even better.
We didn't argued or faught or anything.

It was amazing.
Working with him went way smoother.

After two days we had enough information for a way in.

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