Little Princess

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König watched her leave quickly.
He couldn't understand how she could be so sensitive.

„König really that was unnecessary"

Gaz muttered in his direction.

„Shut up and stop trying to get into her pants.
She's acting like a fucking princess.
What will she do?
Tell the enemy to just don't touch her?"

„König that's enough. She has het reasons like all of us. So quit it"

Ghost said loud with a warning look.

„Oh great now you too? She's unpredictable!"

König just couldn't understand this.
This morning she clearly had a blackout.
She didn't know what she was doing.
And this reaction earlier was the same impulsive behaviour.
She had to get herself together.

„She's doing ok so far. She hadn't had training for some time but for that she was good."

Soap said casual.

„That wasn't good that was impulsive"

König muttered.

„She's our only chance König. At least try to be somehow nice. If I can, you can too"

Ghost gritted through his teeth.

„It seems like you know something about her I don't."

„Well it's not my place to tell you. As long as she doesn't tell you herself you have to live with that."

König wasn't very happy with that answer.
He had always through that Mel was too confident for someone like her.
Her snarly comments, always firing back.
Everyone was always so intimidated by him.
They had respect alone from his size.
But not her.
She didn't cared at all.
He hated it.
He hated her.

A woman on the team was no good choice.
But at least she was a good medic.
He had to admit that.
Probably the only thing she would be useful for.

After they finished he walked back to his apartment.
He took a long shower and went on the little Balkony to smoke.
He looked around until something catched his eye.

It was Mel.

She was sitting on a bench in the garden area around the apartments.
It looked like she was reading.

König watched her for some moments.
When she wasn't screaming at him or making stupid faces she didn't even looked that bad.
Almost peaceful.

What was it with this woman?
Why was she always so bitter and feisty?
And why the hell was she the only person that seemed so unbothered by his appearance.

He was so pissed that the rest of the team just seemed to accept the little princess.
Even Ghost.
He usually was the first one that started talking about her.

König noticed how long he stood there just staring at her as she got up and stretched.

Well at least Soap was right.
She looked pretty good in this uniform.

He almost choked on the smoke as she turned around and instantly spotted him staring at her.
She shot him an angry look and went back inside.

He was such an idiot.
Now she must thing he's like obsessed with her.

But she never mentioned it.
Not the next day and not after.

She got actually better and better in trainings.
Even though training with her was pretty hard.
She leashed out whenever someone came to close.
And it was hard stopping her.
This was a problem that needed solving but König didn't knew how.

Everyone was fine with her but the situation with König got worse and worse.
When they talked, they just argued or screamed at each other.

It got in his nerves.
He avoided her where he could.
He couldn't get behind it.
Why was she so angry?

Even though he noticed the guilt and the sadness in her eyes when she leashed out.
It was like a trapped animal.

He had asked Ghost a million times but he just wouldn't tell him.
How was he supposed to understand her and accept her when she acted like that and he didn't knew why?

He gave up and let Ghost train her.
He saw no use in trying.
He just wanted to avoide her.
She seemed to get along with the other after time.
But not him.

After another long week of training König layed in his bed.
As always he was restless.
He had really bad problems with sleeping.
Around midnight he gave up and got up.
He slipped into some sweatpants and a tshirt.
He grabbed his keys and his cigarettes and left his apartment.

He took a walk around the garden area until he spotted someone.
It was Mel.
On the same bench as always.
What was she doing out here this late?

He instantly felt dumb.
Probably the same as he was.
Again she looked so peaceful.
Her pale skin was like glowing in the moonlight.

He took a moment and then decided to approach her. Maybe in this setting they could talk like normal people.
She didn't even look up from her book.

„Can't sleep?"

Her voice sounded so much calmer and nicer than usual that könig didn't even knew how to react.
Also no feisty comment?

„uhm yeah. And you?"

She looked up to him.
She really looked tiered.

„Same. Tired but sleep isn't on my side today"

She smiled slightly but it looked really exhausted.

„Mind if I sit down?"

„If it fits"

she grinned slightly.
He had to smile.
There was the comment he was waiting for.

But why did that make him so happy?
Probably because it meant she was still the same right?

They sat there for a few moments.

„You sit here pretty often."

König said quiet.

„Mhm. I like it here. It's quiet"

she answered.

„Hm. You're right."

„I need that sometimes. Especially in the last time. It's all very much for me"

„Hm yeah looks like it."

He didn't even knew what to say now that they weren't screaming at each other.
He looked over.
She looked sad.
But he thought he had no right to ask.
She still hated him.
And why would he even care?

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