Help for christmas

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My heart fluttered with every bouquet of flowers in front of my door.
At some point I almost had no more room.

I kept all of them.
I couldn't bring up the courage to throw them away.

No matter how angry I was.
And my anger melted slowly.
I saw how much effort Soap made to apologise.

He was really sorry and I knew he was hella drunk that night.

After some weeks I finally agreed to talk to him.
It was shortly before Christmas.

I didn't wanted bad blood on Christmas.
We talked a whole night.
I had never seen him this devastated.

He explained how important our friendship was and that he went to far.
We talked it out.

None of us had more feelings than friendship for the other.
It was an impulsiv act.
And he truly regretted it.

So I decided to look over it.

Our friendship meant to much for me.
But I also told him that when he would pull something like this again I would make sure I would beat him up in a way that would permanently damage his face.

He laughed but looked clearly intimidated.
Because he knew exactly I could do that.

But still I couldn't find the courage to talk to König.
I wasn't too mad anymore.
But I didn't knew where this talk would go.
I stopped ignoring him completely but I also didn't really talked to him.

What seemed to ease him but didn't stopped him from sending me flowers now and then.

Right as soon as we had managed to just act like nothing had happened I woke up to rapid knocking on my door.

It was really early.
I rolled out of bed.
Still in my pyjamas pants and a simple top I opened the door to a really wasted looking König.
I sighed.

„What do you want?"

He took a moment to answer.
He really seemed nervous.

„Ok. So listen. Please let me talk ok?"

„König it's fucking 6 am. What do you want?"

„I fucked up bad. In every way"

I looked at him confused.

„So I don't care how mad you are at me.
I really really need your help.
And I promise I will do everything you want just please help me"

I raised my eyebrows.
I had never ever seen him this devastated.
He took my silence as sign to carry on.

„So I have a really big family.
And they maybe always bug me about not having a partner.
Since everyone in my family has one.
So I wasn't home in a couple of years for the holidays and ehm maybe our fake marriage thing got me on ideas and ehm...."

he fiddled with his hands.

Maybe I told them you're my girlfriend and now they invited us for Christmas.
I have no idea how I'm gonna get out of this.
I never thought this far."

My jaw dropped almost to the floor.


„I'm so sorry! Please I'm so sorry.
But I really need your help."

I just stared at him blankly until I turned around and went back in.
I let my door open for him to follow me.

„It's to early for this shit"

I muttered and started preparing some coffee.
König carefully followed me inside and stood in the living room.
He said nothing.
He looked so guilty and lost.
I really never had seen him like this.

This seemed really important for him.
We said nothing until I had my coffee.
I took a deep sip and looked over to him.

„Why König"

I simply said.

„Ugh I don't know.
I don't know why I do these things.
I sometimes think my brain stopps working around you"

he sighed.
I blushed slightly but shook my head.

„And now?"

„I know I'm really in no place to ask this from you.
But would you consider coming with me to my family this Christmas?
I have no reasonable excuse why you're not coming. They would hate me if I tell them I lied"

He ruffled his hair nervously.

„I will do anything for you. I promise"

I sighed deep.

„Stopp begging. That doesn't suit you"

he looked at me with pleading eyes.
Yes I was still upset but not that much.
And a free holiday in Austria sounded not that bad.

„I don't even speak any German König"

I said thinking.

„Oh don't worry most of them know English.
And I can translate. Really they're all great."

I sighed and nodded.



„Yeah why not. It's not me to let anyone down. Even you!"

His face lit up in a radiant smile.
With one step he was in front of me and lifted me up in a tight hug.

„Thank you so so much"

„Don't crush me then I'm no use to you anymore"

I laughed.
He let me down and looked down to me

„I'm so sorry. For everything.
I acted like an complete idiot.
And this doesn't make anything better I know. But-„

„Spare the words. It's ok. I'm fed up with being mad.
I will never understand you and I can live with that"

I said rolling my eyes.
For a moment he looked really sad.
But then he smiled and ruffled my hair.

„Thank you really."

„Stop it now. I mean I get a free vacation and get to know how it is with a normal family for Christmas.
I always wondered how this is."

I said nonchalant but he narrowed his eyes slightly.

„What do you mean?"

„we never really celebrated Christmas.
My parents didn't cared much.
And in my Forster family's it was weird.
It wasn't my family you know. No one cared for me"

He looked like I had slapped him in the face.

"I'm so sorry. I mean if it makes you uncomfortable-„

„Could you stop now? I'm fine.
I'm used to it. So this will be a new perspective.
And I heard Austria is very beautiful in winter"

„It is."

He muttered.

„So when?"

He went slightly red.

„Well about that. Our flight is on Wednesday"

„What? König this is in 2 days!"

„I know I'm sorry. I tried to get out of it but no chance"

„Ugh fine. I'm gonna start packing then"

„Do you need help?"

„Yes and while you help me we can sync our story's to our relationship"

I shook my head but laughed.

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