Hit the target

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Seeing König without mask was always weird.
He was in a weird way extremely handsome.

Maybe not for everyone but I thought he looked good.
What made hating him pretty hard.

But I hated how insensitive he could be.
He cared for himself and no one else.
I had noticed how he sometimes watched me from his balcony.

It was almost creepy.
But I always wondered what he through.

This night was so strange.
I just couldn't sleep and as always when I couldn't I went outside.
Fresh air to clear my head.

These trainings made me miserable.
This was the thing I didn't wanted.
Even though I got better.
I still had these problems when someone came to close to me.
It was a nightmare.

But nonetheless I always tried my best.
I had recognised how König was avoiding me.
And I was fine with it.
Every conversation leashed out into an argument.
No matter what I did, nothing was enough for him.

Even when I tried to be some kind of nice he made it hard to keep that up.
I just didn't knew what his problem was.

As he sat next to me so peacefully and silent I couldn't help but feel some kind of relief.
Maybe it was possible that we got along.
I mean we didn't had to become friends.
But I was so done with all the hate.
With all this I would never get better.
As long as I felt this uncomfortable in the team I couldn't change.

But everything just felt weird.
I had no idea how I should talk to him.
I had the feeling that I would just say the wrong thing and we would argue again.
So I decided to let the moment be a moment and head back inside.

„I uhm...I'm going back inside. Good night König"

He looked up.
He looked almost disappointed.

„Oh yeah good night. I hope you can sleep"

I gave him a small smile and left.
This was the most awkward conversation I had in my entire life.

We never talked about that night.
But it happened more often that we both couldn't sleep and just sat there in silence.
And even without it being awkward.
We were just not alone.

After some weeks I had a particularly bad day.
I hadn't really slept and everything seemed to go wrong.
I even almost knocked out Ghost in training.
I was so frustrated with myself.
I got better when I trained with Gaz and Soap.
But I still struggled with Ghost and König.
Also at the shooting range I seemed to miss everything.

I cursed under my breath and was about to loose my patience.

I saw how König hit every target perfectly.
I suddenly remembered the one time he had tried to help me.
I tried to remember what he had said but I only remembered that I yelled at him like a maniac.

I stared at his dark blonde hair as he aimed again.
I sighed deep.
One of us had to swallow their pride so I decided that I would just do that.
I slowly approached him.

„Ehm König?"

He put down the gun and turned around.
He looked down at me with his icy blue eyes.


„Ehm can I ask something?"

I could see the visible confusion in his face.
It was still weird seeing him without his mask. Especially now.
He hadn't shaved and you could see the scars on his face even more with the subtle beard.


„Ehm could you"

I hesitated but rolled my eyes.

„Ugh could you show me this posture thing you tried to show me?
I can't hit a single target today and I don't know what I do bloody wrong"

I didn't even looked at him.
I strangely had expected him to laugh at me and deny.
But he just shrugged.

„Sure why not."

he followed me to my stand.
I took an example shot.
I could already see how he was shaking his head.

„You will never hit like that"

I looked over with a defeated look.
He came closer but hesitated.

„Can I? Or will I get my nose broken?"

He raised his eyebrows.
I hesitated for a moment.
But how else was he supposed to show me.
I took a deep breath and nodded.

„yeah it's ok"

He was surprisingly gentle.
He bend my arm a little different and placed my foot more steady.
Lastly he layed a hand on my back and was about to put the other on my stomach to straighten my posture.

I froze as his hands touched my stomach.
I could feel his eyes on me.
Like he was staring.
I closed my eyes.
He hesitated and quickly pulled back.

„Sorry I-„

„No it's ok. Go on"

I breathed out and opened my eyes again.
He pressed my back straighter and kept his hands there.

„Try it now"

He didn't took his eyes off of me.
I aimed and hit the target.
I breathed out and smiled.
I turned towards him with a bright smile.

„Wow! That really helped!"

„Of course it did"

he said amused.
He quickly pulled his hands back and nodded.

„Thank you"

I muttered silent.

„No problem"

He went back to his lane.
For a moment it felt normal.
I had to think about that.
We didn't had to be friends.
But maybe we could just coexist.

This help from König had really helped me.
After that I hit every target.
I looked over every now and then.
I had never known that he was this good in that.
But I was kind oh glad that he didn't just laughed at me.

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