The dress

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The next trainings went really well.
When they weren't wearing masks everything was fine.
Finally Ghost called the special trainings quit.

A couple of weeks after that Price Called us in for a mission.
I was really nervous.
We sat down in the meeting room and Price started to explain.
A lot of bla bla about the background and why we do this.
He finally came to the point.

„So this means it's kind of an undercover mission. Melissa and König will be going in.
The normal story.
Married couple on the big occasion.
The rest will wait outside to escort them in and out."

I tilted my head thinking.
Working like this with König kind of made me nervous.
I didn't knew if we would get along this well.

„I really don't wanna seem rude or anything but why König?
He kind of ... well draws pretty much attention towards him"

I could feel his piercing gaze on me.
And I was right as I looked over he looked really pissed.

„Because he's the only one that knows German. And that's important"

Price said shrugging.

„I'm sure you will handle that"

he smiled.
I heard König huffing and looked at him.

„What are you huffing about?"

„This is a classy event. Can you even act this way?"

I just stared at him in disbelief.
Was he for real?
I raised an eyebrow.

„I can. Can your face do that too? You should think about make up"

I spat.
Price rolled his eyes.

„Great your already acting like a married couple"

I shot him an annoyed look.
Then I thought about something.

„Steve doesn't have clothes for such things right?"

„No why"

„Ugh then I have to go shopping"

I said annoyed.
Ghost laughed.

„You're a woman. Shouldn't you love this?"

„I'm not every woman"

I winked.

„I volunteer for help"

Soap almost yelled and snapped his hand in the air.


I said laughing.


„Don't get too excited"

I breathed out and made a dramatic gesture to show how calm he was.

„Alright then better get going the event is in two days"

Price said on his way out.
Everyone gathered their things.
I looked over to König.
He really looked pissed.
I didn't knew why.
Everything was fine between us.
At least I thought so.

Yeah we sometimes argued a bit but mostly because I couldn't stand his cocky behaviour and he hated my attitude.
But nothing that would justify this behaviour.
I was pulled out of my thoughts as Soap wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

„When do you wanna go?"

„Ehhhhhhhhhh how about tomorrow morning?"

„Sounds fine. Good reason to skip training"

he grinned.


I muttered.

„What's wrong Mel?"

„I just don't like that. I hate shopping"

„But why? You have so much pretty clothes."

„Yeah but shopping is hell.
It's hard to find fitting clothes.
I'm fat.
Not every store had my size"

At this words I looked at Gazs and Soaps upset and confused faces.

„Excuse me? Take that back!"

Gaz said shocked.


„You're not fat. What are you talking about"

Soap said gripping both of my shoulders.

„Oh my god this was a joke. I say that all the time. It's nothing bad"

I laughed.

„Don't ever say that again! I show you you're not fat tomorrow!"

Soap said pointing at me and almost touching my nose.

„Alright alright calm down"

I had to laugh at how offended they seemed.

But Soap held his word.
He dragged me into every possible shop there was.
I never in my life had tried on so many dresses.
I liked a few of them but soap denied every one.

„Come on Soap this is good. Can't we take this?"

I whines as I had on a beautiful red dress.

„No no that's not it. There's missing something"

He was standing next to the sells woman who was nodding with him.

„Yeah your friend here is right"

She said.
I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed the next one and went to change.
The most annoying part was that with every dress I had to wear tini tiny underwear so it wouldn't look awkward.

I hated it!
I was a woman of comfort.
I slipped into the next dress.
This was actually not so bad.
It felt somehow comfortable.

It was deep green and had a little vail.
It was cute even though I had a hard time holding my boobs where they belonged.
I stepped outside and looked in the mirror.

„I like this one. What do you-„

I turned to Soap and laughed at his absolutely hilarious expression.
He looked like he had hearts in his eyes like a cartoon character.

„This! This is the one!"

He grinned.
He took my hand and spun me around.

„You look wow"

„Thank you Soap. I like it too. But I really hope I don't have to run in this. This could get challenging"

I laughed slightly.
The dress was really beautiful and hella expensive.
But I felt comfortable in it and that was important.

But I felt comfortable in it and that was important

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