Never ending argument

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As he woke up it was already bright outside.
Mel was still sound asleep.
He didn't dared to move.
She needed that sleep.

He carefully placed his hand on her forehead.
It didn't seemed as hot as the night before.
She groaned slightly and opened her eyes.

She looked too cute this sleepy.
He couldn't help but smile bright.


She mumbled slowly realising where she was.
As she finally was aware of the situation he could see how her face turned bright red.


„I decided to stay.
I couldn't leave you alone with such a fever.
And you came to me in the middle of the night.
You just layed down and stayed"

He chuckled.

„Oh my god. I'm so sorry"

She muttered and tried to get up.
He pulled her back in.

„When did I say I don't like it?"

She said nothing.
He smiled bright.
Seeing her speechless was rare.

„How do you feel Maus?"

„Better. But still exhausted"

He stroked through her hair as a reflex.
He could feel how she relaxed in his arms.

Suddenly his phone rang.
He groaned and picked up.


„Oy mate where are you?"

„What do you mean Soap?"

„We're waiting for you! The game!"

„Oh fuck that was today yes! Give me 5 minutes. I'm not at home. I'm coming"

Without waiting for an answer he ended the call.
Mel had already rolled down from him and rubbed her eyes.

„What game?"

They invited me to go with them because I never have been to a game.
I totally forgot it was today.
I'm sorry. Are you alright?
Do you need anything?"

„König im a medic. I will survive."

„Yeah says the woman that wanted to go outside in the pouring rain while having a fever"

She rolled her eyes.

„Alright I see you're better"

he grinned.

„But you should stay in bed. Really.
And if there's an emergency please call one of us"

„Yes moooooommm"

He had to laugh.
She really seemed to be better this morning.
He was glad because this way he wouldn't feel so bad leaving her.

As he hurried to the others that were waiting in the parking lot he could see soaps evil grin from afar.

„So so. Weren't home huh?"

König rolled his eyes.

„And where were you?"

Ghost snickered from the side.

„If you believe it or not I was at Mel's"

Everyone stopped their tracks and looked at him.


Soap almost yelled.
König laughed loud and shook his head.

„Not like that. She's sick. I-„

he hesitated for a moment.
These late night conversations were a thing between them.

„I needed to give her something and found her with a very high fever. I looked after her and slept on her couch"

„Ohhhh. Is she ok?"

Ghost asked now clearly concerned.

„Yeah. I think the fever went down.
At least she had enough energy for some smartass answers so I assume she is alright.
I told her if there's an emergency she should call one of us"

„Since when do you care so much"

Soap asked trying to sound casual but König could tell he was eager to know.

„Just because we argue sometimes doesn't mean we don't get along.
I just don't have to be glued to her like you"

König smirked.
Luckily the guys didn't asked further.
Because König hadn't more answers.
He didn't knew either what this was and why it was like that.

And they really got along the next week.
Until it crashed pretty hard.

This morning she seemed to leash out on everything and everyone.
And he wouldn't just take her bad mood.
They almost screamed at each other until someone dragged them apart from each other.

It almost escalated at the shooting range.

He tried to help her.
But she just wouldn't accept his help.
So they argued again.
At some point he just lost his patience.

He didn't wanted to be this harsh to her.
He was screaming at her wich made her flinch.
She looked up to him with pure rage in her eyes.

„Don't fucking scream at me like that!"

„I certainly have to because you're stupid little brain can't understand what I'm saying!
I'm just trying to help here but you're just so useless!"

He regretted these words the second they came out of his mouth.
He waited for the detonation of her anger.
But nothing.

He could see the hate and anger in her eyes change to pain and sadness.
He could see the tears forming in her eyes.
He reached out for her hand but she took a big step back.

„Fuck you! Really!"

One part of him wanted to apologise right here and now.
Beg for her forgiveness and pull her into his arms.

The other part just wanted to shake her and yell even more.
So he just watched her leave.
Not able to do anything.

He was still so angry at her.
She always got so over the top that it got the worst out of him.

He hated it.
It was her fault he had yelled.
Why was she so sensitive about that.

They didn't talked the whole day.
They were both to stubborn to apologise.
Even though he really wanted to talk to her.
And he could see she felt the same.

The fact that they all went to the bar together this evening didn't made anything better.
Especially as he saw her.
She looked stunning as always.

Even though he was worried if this wouldn't be a bit cold

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Even though he was worried if this wouldn't be a bit cold.

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