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He didn't let go of my hand.
And I was glad.
I needed to know he was still there.
We waited for the guards.
I could feel Königs eyes on me.
I couldn't understand how he was so worried about me when he was the one with the shot wound.

The guards came and left.

As soon as we heard the footsteps disappear again I counted to 10 and then we started running.

Running, like the devil himself would chase us.

König was slower than usual what was good for me.
So I could catch up.
His grip on my hand just tightened.
My feet hurted like hell.

We ran across the meadow and into a area full of trees and bushes.
I felt sticks and stones under my feet.
I stumbled as a branch hit me hard across the face.
It hurted like hell and I could taste blood.
König slowed down.

„Don't stop running!"

I shouted and catched back up.
I could feel his sweaty hand.
He must be so exhausted.
He had lost so much blood.

We bursted through the hedge.
I stopped and spotted the van.
Gaz in the drivers seat and Soap in the back holing open the back door.

Their eyes widened at our appearance but there was no time.
I pulled König behind me and pushed him into the back of the van.
I hopped in behind him.


„Later! Drive Gaz! DRIVE!"

I yelled.
I pushed König in one of the seats and sat down next to him.
I pushed down on his wound to stop the bleeding completely.

„Mel what happened."

Ghost asked from across us.

„Later. Gaz find a save spot. I have to remove the bullet"

„What? We have to get back can't that wait?"

„No it cant!"

„Mel listen we have to"

I cut Ghost off and looked him straight in the eyes.

„No! I have to remove the bullet.
The longer it is in there the more damage it will cause. It will sink further in.
And I have to stopp the bleeding.
He already lost too much blood.
I won't risk that they have to operate him. This is too close to his chest!"

My voice was slightly shaking but I was dead serious.

No one said anything.
König just grunted now and then.
Gaz found and old factory area and parked on a side.

I opened the back doors again and pulled König so he sat on the Edge of the car.

„Alright Gaz you got that med kid with you I gave you?"

„Yes ma'am."

„Prepare me the tweezer's in there. And some bandages"

He started preparing things and I helped König take off his shirt and remove the improvised bandages.

I was standing in between his legs and cleaned the area around the wound.
He whined and twitched the whole time.

„Sit still! I can't do this like that!"

It was like he didn't even hear me.

„König! Sit still!"

I blaffed.
Still nothing.


I grabbed his face and shook him.


He was finally looking at me.
He looked clearly confused and shocked.
The others just stared at us.

„I need you to sit still!"

„I can't. I can't"

He panted.

„You can!"

I thought for a moment.

„Grab my legs!"

He looked even more confused.
I lost my patience and grabbed his hands and wrapped them around my thighs.

„When you have the urge to move, or when you're in pain or I don't care what you will squeeze my legs!"

His eyes widened and he pulled back his hands.

„I'm gonna brake your leg or something"

I pulled his hands back on my thighs.

„No you won't. I trust you!
Just squeeze! Can you do that for me?"

My voice was much more softer and caring.
I was in my element.
This was what I was made for.


he muttered.

„Alright. Gaz, Soap I need light"

They held their flashlights on the wound.
I started to search the bullet.
Königs grip on my thighs tightened more and more.
I finally found it.

„Got it.
Alright you can do this König.
Take a deep breath for me"

I said low.
He took a deep breath and as he inhaled I quickly pulled out the bullet.
He hissed and squeezed my thighs even harder.
I groaned a bit but it was nothing that I could t stand.

„Good job. Now I'm gonna stitch it. It's almost done big guy"

I reassured him.
He repositioned his hands on my thighs and almost kind of massaged them.
It seemed to really help him.

I whispered sweet nothings to him and praised him for sitting still.

„Good. All done. Only some bandages alright?"

I said after I had stitched him up.
He nodded slightly.
Everyone relaxed a bit.

„How do you know that name?"

He muttered exhausted.
I looked at him and smiled.
I wiped some blood out of his face.

„I'm a medic König. I have read your medical file way to often. All of yours. I practically know them in and out."

He tried to smile but failed.

„Yeah you like us that much?"

I chuckled and shook my head.

„You guys occupied me so much I had to. And we're a team now. For me it's important to know such things about you guys."

He nodded.

„Never call me that again"

„I won't when not necessary"

I promised.
He looked up and touched my face.
He wiped the blood from my busted lip.
I hissed slightly.

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