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Not far after it knocked on my door.
I opened and smiled up to Ghost and Gaz.

„My rescue. Please someone tell me you have shirts for these idiots."

Gaz held up two shirts and grinned.
Even Ghost was slightly smiling.

„I see you're good yeah?"

„Pretty much. I will be fine don't worry"

„I will always worry little one"

he said smiling walking past me.
I walked after them and shook my head.

„Wait a good damn minute!
You too? Why is everyone calling me young?
The fuck you think how old I am?"

I looked from one man to the other.
Soap looked confused.

„I thought you're like 20 or something"

„Nah she's 23 right?"

Ghost added.

„Huh I thought she's 24"

Gaz scratched his head.
My jaw dropped.

„As much as I'm flattered but what the hell.
Is that why no number was on my birthday cake this year?"

They all looked hella confused.
I heard König chuckle from behind me.

„I mean I can't deny the assumption is near.
You look young. But you guys are so wrong"

„So you know yeah?"

Soap said sarcastically.

„She's 29"

He simply said taking another sip of his coffee.
I stared at him for a moment.

„Out of all of you HE is the one that knows? What the hell"

I huffed.

Damn so I could have flirted seriously all the time?"

Soap yelled out grinning.
I tilted my head confused.

„I always thought you were way too young for me Missy"

„Ewwww Johnny! Don't even try! What the hell."

I said laughing.
He fake pouted and then made a painful grimace.

„Yeah better stop that."

I said a little more worried.

„So tell me you're here to pick these two up"

I said to Gaz and Ghost.

„Exactly. Price wants to see you"

„You better have a good story he's pissed"

Ghost spat.

„And you're coming too. He wants to see you"

Gaz added with a guilty look.
I groaned and nodded.

„Alright but don't worry.
From what I heard they're safe.
Even through our sweet battling ram here started the whole thing, five against two is unacceptable.
The military rules on something like this are rather lose. But playing this unfair is even too much for that.
I know these rules too good"

I said grinning.

„Why do you know that so well?"

Ghost raised his eyebrows.

„Let's say sometimes you have to stand your ground as a woman in the military"

I said winking and left into my bedroom to change.

While I put on some clothes I looked over to my bed. The scene of König kissing me playing in my head.
I just couldn't figure out what I should feel about this.

I decided to just ignore it for now.
I wasn't in a state where I could worry about this.

As I finished I grabbed Königs belt and walked back to the guys.
I handed him his belt without even looking at him.
I couldn't.
Luckily no one made any comments.

We all made our way to Price office.
As we entered Price let out a big sigh at the sight of Soap and König.

„I can't believe this"

He muttered.

„Alright. How bad is it?"

„Not that bad.
Yes it ehm looks bad.
But it's mostly only bruises and cuts. Nothing serious."

I answered calmly.
Price nodded and leaned back.

„Alright what's the excuse."

Soap and König told their part of the story.
Price didn't looked too suprised.
He knew my file and was aware of what had happened on my last team.
And I was sure Gaz and Ghost had already told him who they were.
As they finished Price looked at me.

„Are you alright?"

„Yes I'm ok. But ehm they can't enter here right?"

I asked carefully.

„Hell no. I already managed this.
They're not allowed on the property.
And they know they acted against the agreement they made back then"

I nodded slightly.

„Mel listen they can't do anything.
We will make sure of that.
And after that they will be in more trouble. With the entries in their files and this situation they're fucked"

„So we're not in trouble?"

Soap interrupted him.

„Not directly. I have to make an entrie in your file but that's it. It was five against two.
And that's unacceptable"

Price said.

„I would say I'm sorry cap but I'm not. You should have heard them."

König muttered and I could see him clench his jaw.

„It's ok. I can understand. And to be honest I'm pretty glad. They deserved this. No one wants this dirt in the military"

I felt emotions roll over me again.
I blinked slightly to try to not cry but it was too late.
I could already feel the warm tears roll down my face.

„Missy no. No no no"

Soap pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me.
He squeezed me slightly and slowly rocked with me from side to side.

„I'm sorry. This is all very much"

I sniffled.

„I know Mel. And you can take your time. This is no easy topic."

Price said dead serious.

I smiled slightly.
I looked over to the others.
I didn't quite knew why König looked so endlessly pissed.
His eyes were glued to Soap.

Was he like jealous?
No that couldn't be.

It was still König.
All this flirting in the last time and the kisses were probably just fun for him.

But even though we never ever talked about this situation, something had changed.

To be concrete König changed.

He got way more protective.
But on his own way.
He was the same as always.
Cocky and arrogant.

We bantered and acted as always.
But I noticed the nasty looks he gave Soap whenever he  flirted with me.

He found a chance to intervene when someone flirted with me every time.
Sometimes it was hella annoying.
I couldn't even talk to someone longer than 5 minutes until he found a way either to join the conversation or to occupy me otherwise.

I couldn't understand it.
When he was jealous or anything like that why wouldn't he have the balls to ask me out himself?

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