Old friends

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She didn't even looked at him the whole evening.

As he stood outside smoking she suddenly appeared next to him.
He hadn't even noticed her until she pulled on his sleeve.

„Can I have one?"

She looked up to him with big blue puppy eyes.


„Pretty much"


„There's this guy that screamed at me.
And maybe I was pretty unfair to him.
And I don't want him to be mad at me"

He sighed and gave her a cigarette.
As he leaned down to light it for her he hesitated.
On the hand with that she was holding the cigarette she was wearing a ring.

Not any ring.
The ring from the mission.

He lit her cigarette.
For some reason this made something with him.

„You're still wearing it?"

She looked at him confused.

„The ring."

She got slightly red.

„Oh yeah"


He took a deep drag and looked down to her.

„I don't know. Kind of keeps the creeps away."

she laughed nervously.
He couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

„Isn't Soap helping with that just fine?"

„Yeah. I just like it.
It's something sentimental for me. It was my first mission after being back in duty. And well-„

she looked at the ring.

„The first time we actually got along well"

She almost whispered the last sentence.
There was it again.
This hot and tingling feeling in his chest.
He smiled bright.

„Well in that case. I can't stay mad at my wife can I?"

she looked up to him with a bright smile.
The most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

„Thank you König"

„I'm also sorry Maus. You're not useless. Really."

she smiled and nodded.

„Can I ask you something?"

„Sure König"

„Why do you let me call you Maus?
You always hated it.
Since the mission you don't seem to mind anymore"

„Oh well I actually really like it.
It reminds me of the grandfather of my last Forster family.
He always called me little rabbit.
I think it's very sweet.
I just hated the way you said it before.
You always used it to tease me. That arrogant and stupid tone.
But now it sounds so nice. I don't mind it anymore"

„I'm very sorry for the way I treated you before. It really wasn't fair"

„You couldn't have known why I acted like that König. I was pretty unfair too"

„And sorry for yelling. This seemed to have hit you the most"

„I just don't like it. I was yelled at my whole childhood."

She looked down and exhaled a bit of smoke.

„I'm really sorry. It won't happen again.
And if I do promise me to hit me really bad"

She looked up and smiled.

„I promise you that for sure"

She laughed loud.
Her laugh was just perfect.
Her rosy cheeks, her scrunched nose.

„Hey Angel. Heard they let you back in active duty."

„Can't believe they did that. I bet you look great in scrubs"

The voices came from behind König.

He had never heard them before but he could tell Mel had.
Her face was plain white.
Her eyes were looking into nothing.
He could see the pure look of panic on her face.
He turned around to see who this was.
Behind him were three men.

None of them were over 6'0.
One with messy black curls, deep dark brown eyes and a cocky grin on his face.

Slightly behind him was a guy with almost red hair, hazel eyes and a big scar on his face that reached over his left eye down to his chin.

The third men had a dark brown buzzcut and deep blue eyes.
He wasn't grinning like the other two.
He looked more pissed.

König didn't had to think twice.
Based on Mel's reaction he knew exactly who this was.
But before he could say or do anything Mel spoke up.

„What are you doing here?"

He looked back.
He had seen this look before.
The time in the van as she had backed up from Ghost. Pure panic.

„Oh we're just visiting some friends. And as we heard you're back in duty be wanted to gratulate you"

The guy up front with the curls said.
She eyed them one by one.

„Yeah. I think I still need an apology for this one Angel."

the red haired men pointed on his face.

„And I know a damn good way"

He held his hand in front of his crotch and made a very vulgar gesture, mimicking getting a blowjob.

Königs blood was boiling.
The audacity these men had to show up here and say things like that.

He wanted to do something but that wouldn't be wise just here.
König only saw how Mel stepped back and ran away.
He clenched his jaw as the men laughed.

„I would watch my back, du Hund"

König muttered to the men and went after Mel.

He found her around a corner.
Sitting on a wall and sobbing into her hands.
He slowly approached her.

„Maus. Maus is everything ok?"

She looked up with smudged make up and heavily breathing.

„No no no come here"

He pulled her up and into his arms.
She instantly wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his chest.

„I can't do this König. I can't do this again"

„They can't hurt you Maus. I promise"

His anger boiled up inside of him.
Seeing her this scared made him furious.
She was one of the thoughest persons he knew.

He wanted to go back and beat the living shit out of them.
No not only that.
He wanted to see them dead.

But he couldn't.
He couldn't let her alone right now.
And he couldn't kill three men in front of a large group of people.

He had to think of something else.
And he had to make sure she was ok.
He didn't knew what that was and why he felt that way but he couldn't ignore this feeling any longer.

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