The big brother

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As soon as Markus was close enough Königs Face lit up in a big smile.

I had never ever seen him smile like this.

Markus pulled him into a big hug.
It was too cute to see.

After they exchanged a couple of words in German while hugging Markus attention shiftet to me.

He smiled bright and immediately lifted me up into a tight hug.
I went bright red and froze.
I had expected a lot but not this.

„You must be Melissa. It's so nice to meet you"

He set me back down and smiled down to me.

„Ehm eh yes it's nice to meet you too"

I smiled slightly and nodded.
To my surprise König laughed loud.

„Markus take it easy. She's not used to that"

„Oh yeah I forgot. Mr no touching"

They both laughed and I just stood there completely dumbfounded.
It was like someone had replaced König in just seconds.

„Isn't Celine with you?"

„Eh no she hates this long drives. She stayed with the others. And they can't wait so let's go. May I?"

He held out his hand to my suitcase.

„Oh I can-„

„This was a rethorical question misses"

he grinned and snatched my suitcase.

„Ah now I see the resemblance"

I smiled and looked up to König.
As Markus started walking König grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly.

„Sorry. Should have told you he's the kind of a hugger. They all are."

„Oh no it's ok. Wasn't quite expecting it but I like that"

„I know I'm a bit different"

„You don't seem to mind physicall contact when it comes to me"

I grinned slightly.
He got slightly red and didn't even answered.
He hadn't even the chance.
Markus had stopped.

„Are you coming?"

„Yeah yeah"

König answered and pulled me with him.

Markus asked all sorts of questions the whole car ride. And König was so right.
I loved him.
He was so funny.

I instantly felt connected to him.
Like it was my brother and not Königs.

We joked and talked the whole ride.
König talked rather less.
But he didn't let go of my hand the whole time.

Even though I sat in the passenger seat and he sat behind Markus.
He had sneaked his hand in front to hold mine.

Austria was amazing.
Everywhere was a lot of snow.
It looked magical.
Like in a movie.

It eased my nervousness a lot.
Especially as we arrived.
Königs parents had a really big house on the edge of a rather big town.
It was beautiful.
It looked really old but in really good shape.

The windows were full with Christmas lights and little decorations.
It looked adorable.

Markus started to unload our suitcases.
Before I could get out the car König stopped me.

„Everything ok?"

„Nervous but yes. I'm ok."

„I hate the thought that I brought you in this position"

he sighed.

„König could you stop?
Don't torture yourself with that.
Yes I'm really nervous but it's kind of exciting"

„So you're not mad at me?"

„Does it look like it?
I'm actually kind of happy to be here with you."

I smiled slightly.
He just looked into my eyes as if he was searching for something that would tell him I was lying.

I winked slightly and hopped out of the car.

I walked around the car but right before I could grab my suitcase two big hands pulled me back by my waist.

„I don't think so, Maus."

König grinned down to me and grabbed my suitcase.
I rolled my eyes and held my hands up.

„Alright alright"

He carried them the few steps up to the front door.

Markus had already opened the door and had carried some things inside.
König went in after.
I stood there.

I could already hear a lot of people talking on the inside.

It felt weird.

There was this family.
That knew nothing else.
This all was so normal for them.

And then there was me.
How was I supposed to fit in there?

I stared at the door as König appeared again.

„Are you coming?"

„Oh ehm yes yes"

I smiled slightly and entered.
König closed the door behind me and wrapped his hand around my waist.

„Everything is ok, Maus"

I nodded slightly but froze a bit as he just kissed the top of my head.
Looks like he took this very seriously to pretend.
Even when no one was watching.
I tried to push this aside.

He guided me through a small entrance corridor in a very large living room.
It looked really cozy.

Two big couches stood in front of a big tv hanging on the wall.
In the back was a big dining table in front of a glass front from wich you could look into a large garden.

Next to the tv was a really big Christmas tree that sparkled in every colour possible.

Markus was learning on the back rest of the couch while he leaned down and kissed a woman with black long hair.

This must be Celine his wife.
Next to her was a girl with dark blonde hair and deep brown eyes.
This had to be their daughter Alina.

My thoughts were interrupted by Königs parents.
It was really obvious.

His mother was around my hight.
She looked like the sweetest woman on earth.
With her long gray hair that was pinned up and her Christmas apron.

Königs father was really tall.
Almost as tall as König.
But also he was rather skinny like Markus.
But their the two got their looks definitely from their mother.

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