You're safe

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As I woke up König was still dead asleep.
I had a bit to struggle to squirm out of his firm grip.

I closed the bedroom door silently behind me and sneaked into the kitchen.

Soap looked also still asleep on the couch.
The bruises on his face had taken on the wildest colours.

But nothing looked like I had to do more.
The last thing I wanted was that these two got permanent injuries because of me.

I tried to be as quiet as I could be but as I started the coffee machine Soap groaned loud.
I looked over and smiled.

„Awake princess?"

I said sweet and leaned on the counter.
His head shot up and looked at me.
He tried to get up but stumbled.
I could only imagine the headache he must have.

„Wowowowowo there not so fast"

I said loud and hurried over to him.
He clinged onto me and took my face into his hands.

„Missy! Missy are you ok?"

I had to smile at his nickname for me.

„Johnny. Calm down. I'm alright. I should ask you if you're ok.
How's the head?"

I helped him up and inspected his face a bit further. But I didn't came far because he pulled me into a deep hug.
I sighed deep.

„Thank you Johnny. But you shouldn't have.
It will only cause you trouble"

„No no. Believe me I would gladly do that again!
And to be honest at some point it was pure selfdefence"

I raised my eyebrows and scoffed.

„Is that coffee? God can I have one?"

„Sure Johnny"

I poured him a cup of coffee.

„So self defence huh?"

I asked amused.
I eyed him up and down.
He was still shirtless.

I had to admit that even when he was my best friend and I would never even consider starting something with him he looked hella fine.
I noticed the green and blue bruises on his ribs.
This must hurt like hell.

„Yeah. Well I was talking to this absolute beauty of a woman"

I gave him a big side eye.

„Yeah yeah sorry.
So König came storming over to me and just grabbed me and pulled me with him.
He only said that your old team was here and I immediately knew what was going on.
I think König initially just wanted to threaten them but that he ticked out like that is their own fault"

„What do you mean?"

„Let me talk Missy.
So as we found them they were bragging about scaring you. König told them that when they would ever even think about you again they would regret it.
This curly hair motherfucker began to get cocky. Stating we couldn't do anything and that you had ruined so much for them.
Then scar face started talking about-„

He hesitated.

„What Johnny? What did he say?"

„Ugh he talked about how he would finish his job and get revenge for the scar.
That was enough for König.
He went completely berserk.
I didn't even had to do much.
He instantly almost killed the curly haired guy. Then two others came in. A short blonde one and a very tall skinny dude. Creepy as hell"


I breathed out.
The worst of all.
I knew exactly what Soap meant with creepy.

„Yeah this one.
Had a lot to do with this one.
He's tough.
I broke some of his ribs and I think one or two fingers"

I looked at him with wide eyes.
Vincent was a very good fighter.
It wasn't easy to even get a hold of him.
This only showed me how dedicated these two were.

„Well König cleared the rest.
I think they got it. No one is ever talking about you like that again!
And definitely not touching you!"

I looked up to him with tears in my eyes.

„I have no idea if I should kick both of your asses or thank you"

I shook my head.

„Probably both"

Soap smirked and sipped on his coffee.

In this moment my bedroom door opened and König stepped out on the hallway.

I almost choked on my coffee.
How could he look this good?

His jeans sitting low on his hips because he had taken off his belt to sleep.
His broad upper body with some blue and green bruises and the usual endless old scars.
His hair absolutely messy falling into his face.
Even though his face was covered in bruises like Soaps he looked effortlessly good.

I had no time to think further because Soap spat his coffee over my whole kitchen.

I flinched and looked up to him.
His face was plastered with disbelief.

„Missy! Why did this man just come out of your BEDROOM?

He almost screamed at me.

„Johnny you do realise that you also don't wear a shirt?"

„That's not the point here young misses!"

„He had to sleep somewhere.
I could have let him cuddle with you on the couch. Would that have been better?"

I said sarcastically and grinned.

„Well no! But why didn't I get to sleep in your bed and he could have slept on the couch!"

„Because I wasn't passed out dead like you"

König muttered walking past us searching the cupboards for a cup.


I showed him rolling my eyes.

„You really looked up there? Why would I store cups that high? And good morning to you too"

He poured himself a coffee and took a long sip.
Then he sighed and showed me a little crooked smile.


I sighed and shoved a towel in Soaps hands.

„Clean this!"

He started cleaning the mess he made with a red face.

„Could have told me you prefer him all of the sudden"

Soap muttered.

„Oh my god Johnny.
We're grown ups.
I wanted to have an eye on both of you messed up people!
And my couch is big but not that big. Calm down"

I could see his teasing smile and realised that he only acted that way to rile me up.
I slapped his arm hard and laughed.

„God I hate you"

„No you don't Missy"

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