A long flight

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„Ok so what did you tell your parents?"

„well uhm"

„König really. I already agreed.
Now come on and tell me"

„This is so embarrassing"

„Yeah but it's your own fault. So you have to go through this now"

I smirked teasing.
He sighed deep and sat on my bed.
He watched me pack a suitcase while we talked about some important steps of our fake relationship.

Knowing I would be in that situation, again, made me a little nervous.
I was good in pretending, that was not the issue.
It was just so weird that this kept happening with him.

For some time I thought he did it on purpose but the look in his eyes told me he really didn't thought that through.

„Ok so one sister, two brothers. Each with partners.
Your parents, your 14 year old niece and a 1 year old nephew"

I repeated his information.

„God I can't remember so much names."

„You don't have to. No one expects this from you really. I think they're just happy when you're there"

He offered me a reassuring smile.

We agreed on simple details about the relationship. The ground of all this was real.
We work together and met this way.

The part where we got together was rather abstract.
I decided when anyone would ask specifically I would improvise.
At least I had enough story's to tell about him.

On Wednesday Soap drove us to the airport.
He wasn't too happy that I agreed to that.

He knew holidays were a sensitive topic for me since I never had a real family.

And he was really pissed at König for lying to his family.

I somehow managed to calm him down and not insult König with every curse word he knew.

I was so incredibly nervous.

I hated flying.
Especially long flights.

König used to tease me about it.
Mocking me because either Soap or Gaz kept holding my hand while flights.

But this time he was really supportive.
Maybe because he wanted to keep my mood good so I wouldn't blow this up.

The whole boarding long I was fiddling with my hair and my rings.
As we waited on the gate he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

„Calm down. You're making me nervous too"

He said low and slightly rocked me from side to side.
And it actually helped.
I took deep long breaths.
My mind was more occupied with the fact that he acted that way and was hugging me than that we would fly.

He had booked all 3 seats for us.
Mostly because otherwise he wouldn't have any space.
His hight was a real problem.

He sat on the window and could stretch out his legs.
I simply layed my legs over his and had enough space.
I was shaking right before take off.

I hated everything about this.

It was loud and it felt horrible for me.

Right before we started König tugged at my arm.
As I looked over he smiled slightly and looked directly into my eyes.

„Everything is ok, alright?"


I mumbled.

He got out some big headphones and placed them on me.
I looked confused but he just layed his arm around me. I noticed that I really could hear nothing.

He slowly drew circled on my arm with his thumb.
It distracted me just perfect.

The take off wasn't as bad as I was used to.
Later he got more comfortable, stretching out over the seats.

„Try to sleep. It helps"

He said low while lifting the headphones a bit off my head.
I looked at him and sighed.
I layed my head back and closed my eyes.

The silence really helped.
I actually fell asleep really quick.

As I woke up i was im a whole nother position.
I was half laying on König.
His arms wrapped tight around me.

He was still sound asleep.
I looked at the displays.
We had still a long time to go.

I sighed slightly.
When I pretended to be his girlfriend I could also make the best out of it.
So I burried my head back into his arms and tried to sleep.

The flight was draining.
And the Jetlag was even more exhausting.
We landed in Austria in the morning.

That meant it was in the middle of the night back in America.

I vanished almost instantly to the airport restrooms.
I looked as exhausted as I felt.
I freshened up and headed back to König.

Our flight was rather early so we were there before his brother who was supposed to pick us up.
I tugged on my outfit and walked nervously on the spot.

„Could you stop?"

„Easy to say for you! You know them already"

I said a little annoyed.

„You're thinking too much"

„well yes maybe"

I tugged on my skirt again.
He stopped my hand and made me look at him.

„You look absolutely gorgeous.
So stopp that.
Markus is a really cool person. You will love him for sure"

I got slightly red and nodded.

I got slightly red and nodded

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I looked slightly up to him.
He sounded so casual but he also looked really nervous.

He couldnt fool me.
For others he maybe looked calm and calculated but I could see the slightest change in his breathing,
the slightly narrowed brows,
the chewing on the inside of his cheeks,
the slightly cracking of his finger.

I gently took his hand and smiled.
He said nothing but grabbed it firmly.

That was when a thought came up in my mind.

How was I supposed to call him?
I couldn't call him König.
That was his actual last name.
That would be weird.
But he had told me to never call him Maximilian again.

How was I supposed to refer to him.

My question was quickly answered by a very tall, blonde and skinny man.

It was very clear that this was Königs brother.
They really couldn't deny each other's.
He looked like an slightly older copy of König.
Only that he wasn't that broad and muscular as König.

He was rather skinny and looked in general way more friendly on the first look.
He smiled bright as he approached us and waved.

„MAXI! Maxi over here!"

König sighed slightly and the grip on my hand tightened a bit.

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