Wrong turn

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We held some small talk along the way but I noticed how he was almost staring at me.

It made me really uncomfortable.
And his cheap cologne made everything worse.
I was glad as we reached the bathroom.

„Thank you very much.
And I promise I will not wander around anymore"

I joked slightly and slipped into the bathroom.
I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.
I stroked through my hair and waited a moment.
I wanted to make sure he was gone.

But suddenly the door opened and the guard slipped inside.
I turned around but he was already right in front of me.

„You know when I think about it I would say I deserve an reward for not telling on you"

he grinned.
He tried to grab my face and kiss me.
I slapped away his hand but he just tried to hold me in place.

„Let me go!"

I said loud but he covered my face with his hand.

„Shhhhh just one kiss Angel"

Panic filled me.
This sentence reminded me of something.

This was not good.
This was terrible.

The next thing I knew was how the guard layed on the floor clearly unconscious.
I blinked and panted.

No no no.
This was not good.
I checked him.
He would be unconscious for a while so I pulled him in one of the stalls and closed the door.

I straightened my dress again and left the bathroom.
I had to find König.
We had to go.

I typed in the code on my smart watch that would signal the others to position themselves on the spot they would pick us up.

I hurried back into the large hall and searched the room.
But he found me first.
He sneaked his arm around my waist and pulled me to the side.

„Where were you so long?"

„We have to go now!"

I panted.
He narrowed his brows and held me in place.

„What happened. Do you have the stick?"

„Yes I have it and now let's go!"

„Mel! Tell me what happened!"

This guard saw me in the corridor.
I acted dumb and said I was searching the toilets.
He believed me.
But as he brought me to the bathroom he followed me inside and....and tried to kiss me and touch me"

I almost teared up.
Königs gaze darkened but he let me speak.

„He said something that triggered me and I accidentally knocked him out.
We have to go!
When someone finds him or he wakes up we're in trouble"

König grabbed my shoulders and looked me deep into the eyes.

„Alright breath.
It's not your fault. You had to defend yourself. Ok? Now calm down and let us go"

He grabbed my hand firmly and we made our way to the exit.

We were right in front of the building as the guards kept talking louder and König got nervous.

„What is it?"

I asked confused.

„They know"

he muttered and grabbed my hand even tighter.
I looked around and pulled him to the side on a small way around the mansion.

„This way"

We could hear shouting and running.
Now they were searching for us.
We turned a corner and I instantly stumbled back as some guards saw us.
There were a lot of columns so we hid behind one.

„Wait let me just-„

I fiddled on my dress as I heard gun shots.
The next thing I saw was Königs back in front of me and a loud grunting noise.
He stumbled back a bit.
I looked around him and saw one guard.

I threw the knife I had just got out from under my dress and hit him in the neck.
He instantly fell down.
I looked up and froze.
König had a shot wound on his shoulder.

„Oh my god! Are you insane?"

He just grunted.

„He would have shot you. I can take it"

„He aimed too high. He wouldn't have hit me."

I instantly started to inspect the wound but I had no time.
We heard more Stepps so I pulled him forward.
We ran till we reached the spot I was looking for.
I Stopped him.


„We need to-„

He suddenly pressed me against the wall and did the same.
His hand pressing on my stomach to hold me close to the wall.
I noticed how on the balcony above us, guards were looking over the backyard.
After about a minute they left.


I muttered as he let go of me.

„Now what?"

He was panting.
His shirt was drenched in blood.
I was surprised that he was so stable.
This man really was something different.

„We need to run"

„What where?"

I pointed at the backyard.

„Are you insane?"

„Well maybe.
But I know the blueprint of this mansion.
It's surrounded by walls.
Except this spot.
There are just hedges.
And right behind that is the spot where the team will pick us up."

He looked at me like I was some sort of maniac.

„We just have to get across the meadow."

He sighed and nodded.
We pressed back against the wall as the guards came back.
As they left I reached under my dress.

„What are you-„

I shushed him.

„I can't run in this shoes, and certainly not in this dress"

With that I kicked off my shoes and with the second knife I had I ripped off my dress just in the middle of my thighs.
I looked at the remaining fabric and ripped it in stipes. König looked at me confused.

„Come here"

I gestured him to bend down.
With a few skilled moves I wrapped the fabric around his shoulder and chest to stop the bleeding.
He hissed but nodded.

„Alright when they come back and leave again we will run"

he said low.


He eyed me up and down.

„I'm gonna carry you"

„Excuse me? Definitely not! You're injured and I can run totally fine"

„You don't have shoes Mel. You're gonna get hurt"

„I can run just fine without shoes. Don't worry"

„At least run first"

he was almost pleading.

„No! So you get hit again? No way! We run together!"

I held out my hand to him.
He hesitated but grabbed it.


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