The couple

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I was so incredibly nervous that day.
My first mission since forever.
We all met in front of the base, where König and I would get into a car to drive to the occasion and the others would follow us in a van.

I was already in a slightly bad mood because I hated nothing more than high heels.
Nonetheless I walked over to the waiting guys.
I could see König from afar.
And I had to say he looked damn good in a suit.

As I came closer I could see him eyeing me up and down.
I prepared for a snarly comment but Soap was quicker.

„You lucky bastard! Look at that woman"

I laughed and shook my head.

„Good job Soap. She looks stunning"

Ghost laughed slightly.

„Alright get going we're late"

he added and shoved König and me in the car.
Gaz played driver.

No one said a word the whole car ride.
I played with the simple gold ring Price had given me. Of course we played a married couple, we had to have rings.

As we arrived and the car stopped he just hissed.


He walked around the car and opened the door for me.
I rolled my eyes and grinned.

„Didn't knew you could do this"

I whispered.

„Only for my wife"

he grinned back.
He didn't seemed so pressed and angry anymore.

„Come on"

He held out his arm.
I grabbed it and followed him.
Everyone was talking German.
I couldn't understand a single word.
König talked casually to some people but I could tell how he hated it.

One, two hours passed and the party was full on going. The best time to go and search for what we were here.

We had to find a USB stick that belonged to the owner of this mansion.
Find it, take it, get back out.

I had looked at the blue prints of this mansion before so I knew exactly where we could look.
We stood a bit on the side.

„You ok?"

he whispered leaning slightly down to me.

„Hm? Oh yes yes"

I looked up to him and smiled slightly.

„Ehm just wanted to say Soap really did a great job. You look good"

My face got bright red.

„Was that a compliment? I have to mark that day in my calendar. But thank you"

I said smiling bright.

„So where do we have to go?"

He asked in a more serious tone.

„Down that corridor over there. Then we have two options."

„Let's go there first."

he added and with a firm hand on my lower back he pushed me in the direction.

In the corridor we stood on a window looking left and right.

„So I go right, and you go left.
There are 3 doors.
The middle one should be one of his offices"

I said quickly braking the plan to him.
He just nodded.

Suddenly we heard steps.
We looked at each other a little panicked.
We weren't supposed to be in that part of the mansion.

We had to act.
We had to do something.
König was to big to just hide somewhere.
My mind was racing.
Then I remembered something.

As the steps came closer to the next corner I simply grabbed his tie and pulled him down to me and pressed my lips onto his.
He froze for a moment but went along with it.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer.

We made out heavily.
For everyone it would only look like a couple that wanted some privacy.
His grip tightened and he slightly lifted me up so I sat on the windowsill.

My head felt dizzy.
I couldn't comprehend what was happening.
I could hear the steps disappear again.
But he made no effort in stopping.

And for some reason I also didn't wanted to stop.

But we were still on a mission.
So I pulled back and catched my breath.
I looked up to him with a bright red face.

„I'm eh sorry."

„I'm not complaining"

He smiled slightly and helped me down the windowsill.

I straightened my dress a bit and tried my best to not look at him.

This was too awkward.
This was not what I expected to be happening.

„Alright let's go. We can't lose time"

I said short.
I wanted to head in one direction as he grabbed my arm.

„Ey. Be careful ok?"

I looked up to him with big eyes.
His attitude had completely changed.
He looked way more relaxed and emotional.
I smiled softly.

„I will. Don't get killed big guy"

I winked.
He grinned and went in the other direction.

I walked down the corridor and looked for a door that I knew was a office.
As I found it I huffed.
It wasn't even locked.

I got inside and quickly searched for the USB stick.
And I found it.
Then I hesitated.

Fucking dresses.
Where was I supposed to put it?
I sighed and decided to shove it into my bra for now.

I silently left the office and closed the door behind me. As I took some steps into the corridor I heard steps behind me.

Not again.
Where do all these guards come from.
What now?

Yes act innocent and dumb.
This always works.
I stepped in the middle of the corridor and pretended to look lost.

„Hey junge Dame!"

I turned around and saw a very tall and skinny man. Probably a guard.

„Sie dürfen hier nicht sein"

He yelled again
I tilted my head slightly and looked confused.

„Excuse me but I don't speak German.
I'm very sorry I was looking for the toilets.
I think I got lost.
I'm really not used to such big locations"

I blinked a couple of times innocent and smiled apologetically.
His posture and his face instantly relaxed and he smiled.

„Oh no problem miss. The toilets are down there I can show you"

He held out his arm for me.

„Oh thank you! And I'm so so sorry. I don't wanna cause trouble"

I said sweet grabbing his arm.

„Oh you're not causing trouble miss. Don't worry"

„Thank you so much. You're my hero"

I smiled sweet and followed him.

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