The knights

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The panic inside of me just didn't seemed to get less.
This was a living nightmare.
I moved such a long distance hoping I would never see them again.

Seeing them just standing there.
Hearing their voices.
It made me sick.
I just couldn't think straight.

I was so glad that König was there.
He didn't let go of me.
I couldn't stop crying.
My mind was foggy.

This couldn't happen again.
Why where they here?

After some time I heard someone talk.
It was like my head was just not there.
I recognised Ghosts and Soaps voices.
But I kept my head burried deep in Königs chest.
I felt safe here.

Until he directly talked to me.


I didn't reacted.

„Maus please look at me"

I looked up.
I could see how much he worried in his ice blue eyes.

„Let Ghost and Gaz bring you home please."

I shook my head.

„Why can't you bring me home?"

„Please Maus. I'll explain it later. Just go home with them ok?"

His tone was sweet and reassuring but at the same time slightly dark and let no room for discussion.
I could see something dark lingering deep inside him.
I sighed slightly and nodded.
Ghost pulled me gently out of Königs arms.

„Come here. Everything is ok. We won't leave your side"

He wiped away some of my tears.
I must look ridiculous.
Without a word he picked me up and placed me on Gaz's back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I had no energy or desire to argue.
I was just numb.
I didn't even recognised how Gaz carried me all the way back.
No one said a word.

I only fully realised where I was as Gaz wrapped a blanket around me.

I looked up.
My head was banging from crying.
What didn't stopped more tears to pour down my face.

„Ghost im gonna search Price.
I'm gonna make sure they get no authority to get on this base"

„Good idea. I'm gonna stay here. We can't leave her alone"

I felt the couch dent next to me as Ghost sat down.
He wrapped one arm around me.

„I'm here. Ok?"

I nodded.
Whatever that meant.
I didn't knew what anything meant anymore.
I slowly calmed down as Ghost started rubbing my back.
He didn't talked.

I knew this must be really hard for him.
He was terrible in comforting others.
But at least he tried.

I didn't knew how much time had passed.
I had finally gained the control back to stop crying.

With the help of Ghost I had managed to wash my face and get changed.
Right as I had sat back down it knocked pretty loud on my door.

I looked over to Ghost who was standing in my kitchen.
His face looked really serious.
He went to open the door.

I couldn't see the door but I could hear Ghost.

„Fucking hell König what happened"

„Well I think I need our medic"

I hesitated at that words.
What does he mean?

I knew as he entered my apartment.
König was covered in blood.

His grey tshirt was almost full of blood stains.
His face was swollen and he had several bruises and cuts.
I jumped up.

„Oh my god what happened?"

„Nothing. They won't get the idea to come here that's for sure"

I just stared at him.

„Where's Soap?"

Ghost said low.

„At his apartment. He said he was fine"

„I'm gonna go look"

With that Ghost was gone.

„Think you could help me Maus?"

A satisfied grin played on Königs face.
But i had to admit that this pulled me completely out of my hole.

I was needed.
I had to do something.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my bedroom.

„Sit down"

I ordered and rushed into my bathroom.
I got all my first aid supplies and threw them next to König on the bed.

„What have you done"

I muttered while I inspected his face.
He pulled me between his legs and wrapped his hands around my thighs.
Just like in the van.

„We showed them that they can't just threaten one of us. Especially not you"

he growled.
I sighed and shook my head.

„You're insane. You're gonna get in trouble for this"

I gently cleaned his face and dabbed a bit disinfectant on his cuts.
He hissed slightly.

„I don't care. When they can get away with this I can get away with that."

I was so concentrated on his wounds that I almost didn't noticed how he was staring at me.

„Thats definitely broken König.
You don't have space in your medical file for another broken nose"

I whispered while wiping the blood from his nose.

„Was definitely worth it"

„You two are unbelievable.
Why didn't you say something?
You were two against three"

„Actually five. The other idiots jumped in"

I just stared at him for a moment.
I couldn't help but start to cry again.

„You can't do that! What the fuck"

„Maus don't cry. We're fine.
And they won't even think about coming near you."

He wiped away some tears.
I placed a band aid over a small cut on his nose and gently stroked over it.

„That's not worth it. Really.
I'm not worth it. You really shouldn't have"

He huffed and shook his head.

„You're totally worth it. You're technically still my wife"

He held up his hand.
He was still wearing the ring.
Just like me.
I looked at his hand and back at him.
I couldn't even say something.


I whispered breathless and stared at him.
There were so much in his icy eyes in that moment.
I just couldn't describe it.

With one hand still around my thigh he grabbed my face with the other hand and just kissed me.
I could taste the blood but that didn't mattered anymore.

In that second my mind went dead silent.
I forgot everything.
This was just him and me.
My heart felt like it would beat a million times per second.
Was this really happening?

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