A team, Friends

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After 5 days I could leave the medical bay.
The guys were the sweetest during the days.
I had at least one of them visit me every day and bring me something sweet or just entertain me.

I should still be careful with walking.
Soap took that as sign to carry me back to my apartment.
I said a million times that I could walk myself but he just wouldn't listen.
And to be honest I was a bit glad.
My feet were still very sore even though the cuts healed just fine.

After another two days I finally felt good enough to go out in the garden area again at night.

I had missed the silence and the fresh air of the night. Even though it had gotten pretty cold at nights.

As I waddled through the park to my usual bench I could see someone already sitting there.

It was König.

I hesitated.

I hadn't talked to him since he had left my hospital room.
But I sat down next to him nonetheless.
He didn't said a word or even looked at me.
But he sighed slightly.
After a while he broke the silence.

„How do you feel?"

„Still a bit sore. But it's fine. And you?"

„Oh its healing great."

I looked up to him.
He looked deep in thoughts.
He looked down to me.
A small smile crossed his face.

„At least that brench didn't caused a scar"

„Why. I would look pretty badass with a scar wouldn't I?"

He laughed loud and shook his head.

„You don't wanna look as fucked up as me"

„I don't think you look fucked up"

I frowned.
He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

„You don't?"

„No. These are just some scars."

„But their-„

„Their not ugly.
Who the fuck said that?
Scars tell story's.
No one should be ashamed of them"

I interrupted him.
He just stared at me for a moment but didn't said more.
After a while I slowly got up.
It got really cold and I was freezing.
I groaned slightly and made careful steps.

„I'm going back. I'm freezing"

„Yeah it's getting really cold."

He got up.
He watched me take a few steps and before I could react he grabbed my legs and my waist and lifted me up.
I got bright red.

„König you don't have to-„

„Shut up and let me help you for once"

He said grinning.
I rolled my eyes but had to smile.

„Thank you."

He didn't looked down to me but he smiled bright.

„Never thought I would heard that from you"

He teased me.

„Just take it"

I huffed.
I looked up to him and then I remembered something.

„You didn't told them. Why?"

„hm? What?"

„The kiss. No one said anything.
When they would have known someone would have made a comment about it.
So you didn't told them"

„No I haven't."

„That bad huh?"

I said sarcastically.

„No. No quite the opposite.
But these idiots don't always have to know everything. And... it didn't felt right to tell them."

„Thank you"

I mumbled.

„Two times in a row. What a lucky day"

He grinned.
I just rolled my eyes.

He brought me to my apartment and let me down.

„Good night Maus"

„Good night König"

He waited til I had closed the door behind me.

I really couldn't get behind this man.
One time he was like this and the other time he was just an arrogant asshole.

I instantly got rid of my shoes.
The cuts had healed fine but is was still like walking on eggshells.

After that we continued our late night meets.
Just as before.
Sometimes we talked.
Mostly we just sat there.
Watching the stars.

And it didn't matter what weather it was.
We were there.
Even as it got colder and colder.
It was a nice routine.
And I had the feeling it helped us to get along better.

Especially since the one that got on my nerves the most at the moment was Ghost.
He had worked on a new training plan for the team. And this shit was merciless.

He let us train outside in the pouring rain.
Stating this would be good for us.
I had never heard such bullshit.

And I hated it when he tried to command us around.
This was the thing I always hated about being a soldier.

I argued with him every time.
And I could see how it got on his nerves.
Luckily we solved the issues every time.
There was never bad blood between us.

Even König stood behind me in some arguments.
This always made me really happy.
Especially the little things he tried to do.

He began to strictly not wear his masks around me.
I told him it wouldn't affect me except for trainings but he insisted on it.

I had a feeling that he always had an eye on me.
Even though I told him my injuries were healed just fine.
On the other hand I had to stop him several times from overestimating himself.
He didn't took his injury seriously.
So I had to scold him a lot.

Much to the entertainment of the others.

Especially Soap.
He was the first one to enjoy it when I bantered with someone.

At least it didn't hit him.
Even though we bantered a lot as well we were inseparable and got on everyone's nerves.

And even if he loved to openly flirt with me there was nothing more.
Gaz liked to describe mine and Soaps friendship like the one from Joey and Phoebe from friends.

And I really liked that comparison.
He was kind of my best friend.
And even though his flirting was sometimes a bit over the top he never ever crossed a line.
And that meant very much to me.

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