We're going on a trip

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Boomer's pov.

Bubbles's father sent us home to our territory. The familiar smells of home were comforting after the chaos of the past few days. It was a shock seeing our father again he looked so much older than when we left. I wonder if he has been eating. He looks skinny and sickly, but that is most likely due to the stress of this stupid war.

I walk from my bedroom towards the soft thudding coming from the common room. I leaned into the doorway watching my brothers. Butch was furiously pounding away at the poor punching bag, while Brick laid fully stretched out on the couch. They were both deep in thought pondering over the future and this war.

I sauntered in plopping down on Brick's legs. My arrival shook them both out of their thoughts

"You could have just asked me to move instead of sitting with your fat ass on my legs." Brick grumbled annoyed. I shot him a look. I jumped up and grabbed Brick by the neck starting to roughhouse; I felt Butch joining in and grabbing my legs. We flailed around and played a bit. It lifted the atmosphere a bit and brought a sense of relief as we each licked our wounds.

"How messy do you think this is going to get?" I asked no one in particular

"I have no idea but it will be a lot worse than what we have seen so far. The Silver moon pack is not an enemy to be messed with on the battlefield and they only go to war when things are really bad." Brick explained while adjusting his hat.

"Yeah well those bloodfuckers can bring it on! I have been itching for a proper fight." Butch retorted beating the punching bag once again.

I make myself comfortable on the couch.

"Do you think what Axel said could be the truth I mean he was joking, but still it could be possible?" I thought out loud.

"I fucking hope not otherwise Buttercup will skin me alive!" Butch laughed in his hyena way.

"But I plan to find out." He mused.

Brick and I both gave him a puzzling look as he just casually left us. We followed him and leaned out the doorway as we watched him enter his room and shut the door.

"Asshole, he dropped a bomb and is now just leaving." Brick said under his breath

"Fuck You!" Butch replied from his door laughing.

Buttercup's pov

An ancient spell will be spoke there and misery would rein.

With the fall of the little red witch...

 The words kept swimming in my head, haunting the corners of my mind. I stared at my black magic spell book of Haitia. I cannot move on from it. I fear for Alex's life as the prophecy has already started to take effect. I listen to the others in the house scrambling to pack and get ready to leave. Alex and Axel would be coming with us as well as Matthew's Father the rest would stay at home while we went to the Rising River pack. I felt relief as I hid Haitia's spell book in the floorboards under my bed, because the thought of Alex being far away from my book comforts me. I finish packing and run out the house to the two S UV's parked out front.

"What the fuck is this?!" I exclaimed looking at the piles of blue and purple bags.

"Do not look at me I only brought two bags." Blossom gestured nonchalantly at her one big bag and her backpack from her seat in the front SUV. Axel looked like he was desperately fighting for his life to fit his mate and Bubbles's bags into the SUV's. When he looked like he was finally winning his battle against the bags Alex arrived with two more bags.

"What? This is my first time visiting another pack I want to be prepared." Alex giggled swinging herself into the second SUV. Axel following after her looking defeated. I shook my head and climbed into the back seat in the middle when Bubbles chirped into the SUV looking a little too made up.

Blossom's pov

I was prepared to sleep for the next six hours while we drove to the Rising river pack. Just as I had my earphones in comfortably Buttercup slid in next to me violently. Way to wait until the last 10 minutes to climb in I thought hugging my owl pillow that looks like Tato. I closed my eyes when I was violently stabbed in my ribs by Buttercup's elbow. "What?" I mind link her furiously since she obviously wants my attention without the rest of the car knowing.

"Why is Bubbles so dressed up?" She questioned me.

"How should I know? I am not Bubbles." I huffed reaching down to my back pack and pulling out my sleeping mask. I put the beauty queen mask on my eyes signalling to Buttercup that I am to be left alone for the rest of the trip. Buttercup is the worst to travel with she cannot sit still or keep herself occupied. Not that she can even read in the car she gets car sick form reading while moving. I smirk, thinking of what a weak reader my sister is not even being able to read while moving. I drifted off to sleep as the wheels rocked me to sleep.

Bubble's pov

I had decided to dress up a bit with a neat dress. I wanted to look neat and presentable. It is very rare for our pack to leave so far from our territory and we have never met the Rising river pack or even heard of them. Our father is the only one that has ever dealt with them before.

A small part me also dressed up for Boomer, which I did not want my sisters to know about. They still seemed very against Boomer and his brothers.

Buttercup's Pov

The moment the wheels stopped turning I was already up and over poor Bubbles desperate to escape the cramped car. I stretched my legs a bit as the rest of the entourage got out of the car. Baro was edging me to start moving, being cooped up was not a pleasant thing for her since big cats do not like to follow anybody's rules but their own. My father just gave me a quick devious grin before my mother nudged him for supporting my rebellious behaviour in. He gave me a mock disappointed look, flicking his eyes to my mother and rolling them. We ordered ourselves into the correct formation, Mother and Father first followed by us then Axel and Alex and lastly Matthew's father behind everyone, and approached the front door of their pack house. The house was big but a lot more rustic than our pack house. Their pack soon filed out and stopped to greet us all according to rank their pack was as big as ours if not slightly bigger. The Alpha however looked very tired.

"Alpha Andreas, thank you for taking us in during such a difficult time." My Father greeted the triplets' father.

"Alpha Derek King in the flesh, what a blessing it is to have you here. Forgive us the pack just got back from the battle last night. If you don't mind we can discuss war matters tomorrow since I am pretty dam tired. I was part of the platoon last night" Alpha Andreas said with slight humour

"Of course, we are your guests Alpha Andreas; we will do as you ask of us and respect your rules." Father said soothingly. The last part was clearly aimed at me who already started to shift from boredom.

We were led up to the guest wing which was just below the Alpha family's rooms.

The triplets had not said a word during the entire greeting and rules lecture, but everyone except me were apparently deathly tired. I shared a room with my sisters whom as far as roommates went were very considerate mostly. Blossom just fell onto her bed and just fell asleep shoes and all. Bubbles just strew her bags on the floor and at least took off her shoes before also falling asleep.

I was not feeling inclined to sit still or sleep anymore. I changed into my trainers and loose clothes before heading out for a jog around their territory. I made sure to stay within the limits that they set for us to travel and train in during our time here.

Author 's note

I do not own any music , pictures, drawings or most of the characters .

I am on a very creative vibe the past feel days and I have been taking care of myself

What do you think ?

Bye guys and gals 🦄🦄🦄🦄

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