Purple suitcases

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Butch's Pov

I stood in Alex and Axel 's bedroom arms crossed. The room was covered in half unpacked purple bags which I assumed was Alex's.

"Dam it did you pack enough for the week? "I asked in awe at the seer amount of suitcases in the room.

"Hey don't judge me. I am a heavy packer. Plus you never know when you are going to need anything." Alex flitted about like an energy bunny on crack. She radiates anxiety from every corner of her body.

"Fine I agree with your statement, but seriously why do you need a machete and full-on ball gown?" I gestured wildly at the colourful pile.

"Uhmm, Ninjas duh, and what would I wear to a surprise ball?" She said all matter of fact.

"Who the fuck throws a surprise ball?" I asked the ghosts in the room apparently since miss energy was rummaging through her luggage.

"So have you found a witchy way to unseal this damned scent of ours or not?" I growled out. She jumped into the corner of the room. I swear she disappeared beneath all the clothes and bags. She emerged with a crusty fossil of a book. I staggered back. That book gave me bad juju vibes and I have never even seen it before.

"The fuck is that thing?" I asked using a large purple suitcase as a shield from it.

"It is the black magic book of Haitia" She said so calmly for once. How can she be so calm holding that thing of nightmares?

"The spell I need is in here, but Bu- The owner sealed the thing with blood magic." She explained using her might to try and pry the thing which shall not be named open.

She huffed giving up and threw the book onto the bed away from us. I could breathe again. Then her eyes lit up.

"Wolf man!" She was not talking to me was she?

"Butch?" Of course she was.

"Yeah do I want to even know?" I ask covering my face.

"Your wolfy knowledge I think I might have a loophole."

"Go on ask away" I said eagerly.

"A pack is connected through the alpha's bite right?"

"Yeah why?"

"So would you say they are all connected by blood?"

"I mean technically yes."

My words were barley cold when Alex slit herself with the fucking machete.

"What the fuck??? Oh fuckity fuck! I do not do well with blood. Shit they are going to kill me." I panic. The blood dripped between us. I was already picturing my death as soon as Axel walked into the house. I was planning my getaway when she walked over to the book and casually let the blood drip over the book.

"Man up baby! How would you cope with your mate's period if you cannot even handle a few drops of blood?" She sassed.

She fucking sassed me after signing my death warrant.

My attention quickly shifted to the cursed object. A gold light shone from it before it opened up oozing darkness like flowing blood.

Alex sat down on the bed cross legged when the door behind me opened. I jumped onto the ceiling fan hoping for mercy.

The fuck is going on in here?" I was so relieved to hear my brothers voice instead of Axel's.

Brick and Boomer filed in as I removed myself from the ceiling fan and closing the door like a mad man.

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