I do not love him, Shut up

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Blossom's Pov

My head feels like it is going to explode. The Allied packs have arrived and the sheer amount of new scents was overwhelming. It is everywhere I turn. The unfamiliar scents make Tato and me on edge. I feel nauseous from all of it. I close my eyes. I picture Brick's cinnamon and firewood scent wrapping around me drowning out the other scents. It helps me have a clearer head in all the chaos I focus on the sound of his voice, smirk and the slight twitch of his right eye when he gets annoyed. I breathe out. I calm down immediately.

I approach Buttercup who is hunched over and throwing up behind a tree away from the other wolves.

"You need to focus on him. It helps" I crouch down rubbing her back.

"I do not need him." She growls out. Her raven hair covered her wet eyes from all the puking.

"Well, your senses are being overstimulated by about five thousand wolves at the moment. Focus on something or else you won't be moving far from this spot." I reprimand softly into her mind.

She heaves one more time and then her green eyes focus onto me.

"If you tell him or his brothers I will kill you." She seethes

"Buttercup, He is your mate stop trying to hide it" I giggle at her stubbornness even after accepting him she still fights against their bond. She was like a toddler refusing to take medicine even though it is good for her.

"How?" She asks genuinely

"How what?" I tease her

"How do I do it?" She mumbles

"Picture him and his scent .Think of what you find attractive about him and then just breathe out Dear sister."

"I feel weak needing to focus on a guy to stop puking my guts out." She grumbles.

"He is not some guy" I gently hit her back

"Pick one looking weak by throwing up from over stimulating your nose or just feeling weak. You could always do what Matthew and some of the others are doing." I look at her challengingly

She gives me a disgusted look

"Your choice: You can picture your hot mate or rub Vicks vaporub in your nose every ten minutes." I shrug my shoulders.

"Do not call him hot. You do not want that red eyed devil of yours to end up with a black eye." She growls protectively. I smile internally so possessive and yet still so against him.

"If it consoles you he is most likely doing the same at their side and he has Zane to deal with in a few hours. It does not make you weak Buttercup once you are mated you will be even stronger. Your strength will be combined." Bubbles sits down next to us. She looks into the West as if she can see them gathering and waiting.

"They are here." Our Father's voice explodes into our heads.

We get up and make our way over to the pack house. A convoy of black trucks enter our driveway. My blood cools as the last pack from the North arrive. The Arctic Nation spills out of the trucks yelling and making a ruckus.

"Time to show the Southern pussy packs how real wolves fight!!" Uncle Barrett 's voice boomed out over the earth like an arctic wind sweeping over everything in its path.

"Barrett! Language you big savage." Aunt Zora scolds smacking our large Uncle over the head.

"My Darling did I lie?" He asks mockingly

"No, but you are the reason we have a reputation as savages." She clicks her tongue as she stared daggers at him. He just laughs it off and grabs her out of the truck spinning her around planting sloppy kisses on her face. And she tries to smack him over the head. I giggle Uncle Barrett loves showing off Aunt Zora.

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