Dressing up

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Buttercup Pov

"No way ,I refuse,I refuse to be apart of your little circus " I stomped my foot down like a toddler.

"Please Buttercup it's not like you are being sold as a real slave it's for school fundraising and I had to give three names  for the committee" Alex whimpered with puppy dog eyes.

"And they had too be hot "she whimpered even more.

"Come on Buttercup it's only for a week and only during school what's the worst that can happen?" Bubbles asked just as sad as Alex.

Why must they always use the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh I don't know Kyle being the one to buy me why is this even a fundraiser?" I grumbled.

"Because it's fun so stop moping and just agree to it ." Blossom said with big sad eyes.

"DAMIT! I'll be one of your fundraising girls  " I caved in.

"Just stop with the eyes all of you "

"Yay ,now to find outfits for you according to the theme . Out of my way people!" Alex yelled running down the hall bumping  people out of her way.

"Wait nobody said anything about costumes."I wailed like a banshee down the crowded hallway.

"You know the only reason why I am agreeing to this stupid thing right?" I looked at my sisters' faces to see the sadness in their eyes.

"There is no other way that I would participate in such an parade of freaking shit." I rambled on.

"Yes, Alex is the little red witch from the prophecy ."
Bubbles managed to choke out.

" I hate this stupid prophecy we don't even know when it's going to happen or what is going to happen?" I grumbled.

"And we know not to interfere with prophecies that tends to make them worse." Blossom thought out loud.

Butch Pov

"Hey have you heard the rumours about the fundraiser auction thingy" Boomer  almost runs me over.

"What rumours " I asked calmly

I have absolute no interest in this desperate parade of the school.

" Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup are said to be participating in it as well ." "It makes sense they are really hot." Boomer went on .

"You should really stop listening to gossip my little brother "Brick rolled his eyes.

"Hay I am literally your triplet I am only 7 minutes younger than you "Boomer groaned.

"Do you think Buttercup would willingly be paraded around like a show pony?" I asked with confidence in my thought to be mate.

Buttercup Pov

The day of the school auction

"Please remind me why I agreed to this ?" I said looking at what I was wearing.

A white shirt with a green tie a mid thigh green skirt with fishnet stockings and black ankle boots top off with a black fake leather jacket .

"For Alex " Blossom stepped out of the dressing room wearing the same as me except her tie and skirt was pink and instead of a jacket she wore glasses and pink suspenders.Pink flats and no fishnet stockings.

"Speaking of Alex where is she " Bubbles came out with the same clothes in her baby blue colours with no glasses or jacket . Instead wearing baby blue high heels and fishnet stockings.

"Here I am to do your hair and makeup" she chirped.

"Hell no nobody said anything about makeup " I started  for the door but  Alex caught  me before I could escape.

She started by letting my hair hang loose and adding a green clip on hair streak in my hair before applying dark make up to my face.

"Well silly this way you fit with the theme better " She says as she stands back to admire her handiwork .

"Which is what by the way and why do I have to wear glasses I don't need them."Blossom asked as Alex jumps her putting her hair into a tight middle ponytail and applying light pink makeup.

" School girls and you are supposed to be a nerd Ok ,Bubbles a mean girl and Buttercup a bad girl it was all a could think of now hush and let me finish." Alex scolded us .

I was not pleased .I made it very clear by mumbling my disliked to everyone.Nobody seemed to care

"Why am I the mean girl"Bubbles whined later as Alex was fixing her hair and makeup making her look like a diva.

"Because you look like one now " Alex shot back as I laughed before looking in the mirror. With the glance I immediately stopped and went back to pouting.

"Now behave you will be on last and if you come out with ruined outfits I will personally see to it that your next competition for anything fails " Alex gave us a warning look before scurrying off.

"Since when is she so rude "I giggled

"She is just stressed the student council is her baby she needs this to run smoothly." Blossom explained before getting in line to walk onto the stage .

We apparently had  to show off before this thing actually starts .O ancestors help me please.
I mighy just die today even though I am technically immortal.

Butch Pov

We were sitting in the back of the auditorium.  I stared at the paper that they shoved in my hands .My blood ran cold as I read the last three names .

"What was that about Buttercup not being a show pony Butch" Boomer smirked.

" Now I actually wished I had made a bet with you " he was being smug.

"Shut up or I will kill you Boomer brother or not " I hissed threatenly moving closer before Brick gave me a threatening glance.

" Let's just try to avoid a disaster and make sure they don't get sold to someone else, because clearly we get really possessive and aggressive." Brick just said like he was going over a battle plan.

The lights dimmed as a red faced Alex hurries on stage .

"Shit she is really nervous about this thing" Our heads snapped to see Axel and Matthew hiding behind our chairs .

"You are not supposed to be here didn't Alex ban you two or something ." Brick stated.

"Me and my accomplice Matthew are just here to check up on my mate and our friends  that is all  ." Axel nervously whispered.

"Wait how did you know that ." Matthew piped up.

"I know a lot of shit shush it's starting" Brick motioned to the stage.

"Welcome to the fifth annual school fundraising auction gentelmen where you can buy one of our beauties to be your slaves till next Friday but of course the rules
1 You can't make them do anything illegal.
2 You may tell them what to wear but it may not be shorter or more revealing than what they are wearing today .
3You can only give tasks that must be performed while you are on school grounds
4 You can't make them undress or touch them in any sexual  matter.
5 Lastly you can not make them do anything life threatening.

Everyone understands great now we will let you see all the girls before starting " Alex said confidently strict

She walked off stage as the music pumped up.

As the girls walked across the stage the entire auditorium ranged with wolf whistles and howls of approval .

Author 's note
I do not own any music , pictures, drawings or most of the characters

When will the prophecy unfold ?
Is Alex truly the strongest witch ?

Ps.Please notify me of any mistakes please I tend to write late at night and publish as soon as I finished so please if you see mistakes let me know.

Bye guys and gals.

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