Red Fire

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Buttercup's Pov

"I would do anything to bring Alex back and not that I have any doubt in your abilities or anything ..." Axel wavered. I stood safely out of reach from the magical flames in the shade.

"But are you sure you know what you are doing?" he squeaked as the ring of red fire encircled him

"Not really, that is why we are using Bubble's book of Haitia." I smile pointing to the book in Bubbles' hands. I watch as Axel gulped nervously from his fiery prison.

"Right" He replied with wide eyes and pursed lips.

"You think this will work?" Blossom asked looking up after reading the anchoring spell.

"I have never heard of anchoring two different species together." Bubbles said cautiously eyeing Axel. He just covers his eyes and mutters curses.

"Nor of anchoring someone who is de- on the other side to someone on this side." Blossom corrected herself.

"Well according to grandmother it is a thing called, a shadow ghost, the witches working with the vampires have done it and are wreaking havoc on the other side."

"She also said that it would be easier to perform since Axel and Alex are already soul bound to each other even with Alex on the other side." I muse fascinated by this whole ritual.

"So someone must be on the other side and then anchored to something here." Blossom asked amazed. The gears in her head shifting at a fast pace as she absorbs the new information. She is like a little information gremlin hoarding its precious stash into the files of her mind when it comes to knowledge or facts.

"Yep, those witches are serious enough to kill a witch from their own coven. Without the book, to help, a few must have died without being able to be brought back ever." I mused

"Uhm, not to be a dick or anything but can we continue the witch chat later. There is a guy sitting in a literal circle of fire here." Axel interrupted us waving his arms frantically around to the fire

"Yeah,yeah stop your nagging at least we can bring her back later." I quip back

"It is the least you could do seeing as without her none of you would have found your mates." Axel growls grumpily gesturing to the three figures leaning against a tree deeper into the tree line than us.

"You sure you cannot just singe him a little bit?" Brick asked playfully.

"Ha ha, real funny coming from the guy standing in the shade." Axel retorts sarcastically

"Zip it, both of you." Blossom sternly reprimand the boys like toddlers. I stare at the tree amazed that none of them could even sense that it was in fact not a tree but a very strong spell cloaking Alex's body protecting it from the world. The boys think this is just a random spot in the forest, but we know why the ritual has to preformed here close to Alex's body. I praise myself for our phenomenal spell power and to hide her here where no one would think to look for the guardian's body.

Brick wants to protest something, but quickly changes his mind and seals his lips shut leaning back against the tree. You could see him trying to act like a cool guy who has not just been given a time out.

"OK, Axel chew on the root it will taste like liquorice" Bubbles instructs throwing the dried root into Axel's face.

"You will be fine just a little bit sleepy." I giggle when he chews the root with a suspicious face.

"Good I have been struggling to sle..." his words trailed off as he passed out.

"You should have done that thirty minutes ago." Butch says from the time-out tree. I was still to pissed at him for this whole thing. I decide as punishment I will not accept nor reject our mate bond. I refused to even acknowledge it. He was stuck in a very uncertain limbo which was a very amusing way to control him. Blossom apparently had the same idea as me with Brick. But I suspected that she was still trying to wrap her head around all the information. It was a lot even for an information gremlin like her to process. It was really working the two guys up since they were the most patient guys after all. Bubbles accepted their bond almost immediately. I figured that is why Boomer has not yet moved or said something probably afraid of his brothers' jealousy towards his accepted bond. Or he was afraid Bubbles refuse to give him attention.

I give Butch an annoyed look and he sulks but keeps quiet.

Me and my sisters form a triangle around Axel's ring of fire.

We sit down crossing our legs and closing our eyes. I focus extending my magic and using Caro to link my powers to my sisters. I hum softly feeling Bubbles cool blue magic to my left. I use my green magic as an arm searching for Blossom. I breathe easier as a feel her soft pink magic appearing to my right. In my mind's eye I could see our three signature coloured magic form a circle around the ring of fire. It created a seal of magic between us and Axel. Nothing from the outside could interfere at this point anymore

"Deste reino para o próximo. Hoc vas pro ancora damus Alex Scarlet." We whisper

I feel the heat as the flames rise higher. Our magic whispers against my skin and whirls around in my mind. We breathe in our magic. I feel the pull of the other side as our magic becomes sentient. It searches the other side looking in different mansions and zipping past deceased witches.

I try to help it by picturing Alex's face and voice. It helps the magic as it plunges forward and wraps a pink, blue and green mixed arm around her ghost leg. It reminds me of a puppy as it hurries back to our realm using us and the fire as a bridge. It excitedly drops Alex's spirit in the circle. She must have expected us to do this soon. She gives us a quick smile. Then she walks over to Axel and places her hand over his heart. The fire draws towards them. It turns a darker red as it runs up Alex's leg and travels through her body. It becomes a liquid like blood and pours into Axel's heart. Alex smiles and jumps away back to the other side. I look at Axel's chest and see a black flame where Alex's hand was through the hole that was burned in his shirt. I hope he was not really fond of that particular shirt. My body was starting to feel the labour of the ritual. I retracted my magic and briefly open my eyes. I quickly closed them again to rest.

I lay down into the grass breathing; it was all I could muster to do.

A shadow passed over me blocking the early afternoon sun.

"Mind if I carry you back without biting my head off babe?" Butch asked carefully.

I was too tired to bite back or raise my temper at the nickname.

I just give a slight nod.

"To bed please..." I ask already dozing off

Butch's Pov

"Of course, I will my little headache." I laughed as her breathing got heavier. I just scooped her up into my arms and jogged to catch up to my brothers. I held her so carefully, tight enough so no one can take her from me, but soft enough to not hurt her. My heart almost gave out as she tried to snuggle closer into my chest. I contemplated to just cuddle with her in my bed. I however chose life, because I know that as soon as she has energy and found herself in my arms in my bed the true rattlesnake would come out. And I would prefer to not get bitten by venomous tongue.

I reluctantly lay her down in her own bed. I go down stairs and switch the television on to watch The Flintstones with my brothers. After three episodes a very groggy Axel enters the living room.

"Assholes you just left me passed out in the forest." He hissed

"You found your way back?!" Boomer snickered from the couch.

Axel threw himself down onto the empty space next to Boomer.

"I can hear Alex now." He smiled to himself and passed out on the couch like a proper drunk. He snored so loud that we gave up on watching The Flintstones.

I went to nap since everyone else was sleeping. We would be discussing war plans later and I might as well be refreshed for them.

Author 's note

I do not own any music , pictures, drawings or most of the characters .

I finally recovered from my depression from the last chapter. And  the truth is I finally got myself to stop watching The Flintstones long enough to write. I like to sometimes think of myself as a little gremlin who hoards things.

What did you think ?

Bye guys and gals 🦄🦄🦄🦄

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