Going once

99 3 4

Butch Pov

As the howls continued  retook her position at the front of the auditorium. Her  face scanned the crowd smiling to herself. 

She looked pleased with the turn out.The auditorium was packed full.

Her gaze stopped reaching our group.She intensed her gaze, her eyes lit up with angry flames.She leaned down to the microphone.

"Axel Steel. that better not be you back there I told you not to be here .And being the good boyfriend you are you obeyed." She growled over the speakers.

"As for Matthew Steel you aren't there either because you promised to keep your  cousin away.!"She looked homicidal.

Axel froze for a minute contemplating  his fate before dashing out the door like a scared rabbit.

"How are you two even mates?"Matthew muttered shaking his head .He turned on his heel and strolled out.

Alex took a deep breath pretending that she did not just yelled in front of everyone. She held one hand up and counted down from five . "Let's  get this started .

Buttercup Pov.

The feeling of all those eyes on me when I was on stage creeped me out.

I was fearful for my sisters. I saw Tyler ,Kyle and a lot of other jerks in the crowd.

Now we had to impatiently wait for our turn to become an object for sale .

I was up last it was  not  pleasant watching the girls disappear out the door not coming back.

"Hey sis no need to stress I will mindlink you from up there " Bubbles whispered as Blossom went out through the door .

"Alright Gents ,Here we have the cutest nerd, of all time, Blossom King!"Alex was really selling this whole auctioneer persona of hers.

"200"Kyle voice was heard . Of course desperate as ever.

"250"Tyler .I bit my nail as I just hoped my sister would not end up with one of them .

"300" Kyle said back .

O No not the two of them .

"500" A other guy said .I let out a breath of relief .

"550" Kyle.


"Wow looks like we have quite the catch 5500 going once. "

"Going twice"

"Sold to the gentleman in red."

"In red hm Alex's is keeping it a secert from us ." I thought out loud.

" Wish me luck "Bubbles got up to the door.

"Next up we have the hottest mean girl around Bubbles King  starting at 100 who has 150."

This is one of the  stupidest things I have agreed to in my two lives. I sat crouched up on the ground .Mindful to not mess up Alex's work.

I zoned out to listen to Caro instead .

"We were never met for this .We were born to fight ." Caro tutted disapproval dripping in her tone.

"I am well aware of that CARO " I snapped back at her .
She gave me a disgusted look .Disappearing as she always does.

" Hey so it's crazy out here and I can't reach Blossom " Bubbles voice rang through my mind.

"Don't  worry I'll check for you just relax "

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