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Bubbles Pov

In Drama class

I was siting listening to the teacher blab on about plays. Wondering how I was going to get a piece of whichever guy's dna.
I just hope it is not the dark haired brother he looks way too scary.

I decided to get hair since it's less painful then drawing blood somehow.

"Nice bracelet my name is Boomer " a voice behind me whisperd.
I turned and saw the same ocean blue eyes as in science class a smile was spread across his lips. I almost gave a sigh of relieve as idea popped into my head.

Well this was going to be easier than I thought. " Thank you I got it for my 13th birthday " I said softly

He looked surprised when I actually answered.

" I thought you did not like me " confusion laced  his voice.

"No silly " I said in my sickeningly sweet voice as Buttercup often describes it.

"Ok kiddies pair up please we will be doing improv duets .And remember make it interesting!" the teacher almost sang.
You would think after a whole day of dealing with teenagers the teacher would be less excited.

"Do you want to be my partner Boomer " I purred . Goodness I hate speaking like this.
"You know what I think I will just call you Boomie"

15 minutes of improvising later I had an idea . I would trip and plucke a few strands of hair on my way down . He was standig close enough to as long as I trip forward.I waited and then trip and brought a few hairs to the ground along.

Buttercup owes me for this playing a damsel in distress .I like being feminine, but I dislike being a damsel.

Rubbed my back were I had hit the ground a hand helped me up .A kept the hair hidden in my hand. I saw Boomer rubbing his head.I quickly sneaked to my bag .I hide the hair in there and took out a waterbottle before returning to Boomer.

"O my bad I am such a cluts I am so so sorry forgive me please " I begged .

Just ,because Buttercup seemed to be on the warpath did not mean I would be too.

" Hey it's ok I don't mind a Angel like you falling for me " he said with a smirk .

"Bye my kiddies see you Wednesday love you all very much "

I hurried out of the class and started running off to the forest at superspeed.

Blossom Pov
I sat on the chair looking at the subjects we were talking about since this week was unprepared debate .

"Hey mind if I sit here Red?" my target said.It was the red headed one.

"Sure handsome by the way my name is Blossom " I said as a lot of the other girls do when speaking to guys.

"Cool name 's Brick " he smirked

Bloody idiot I can't believe this is actually working.O my I am turning into Buttercup.

He moved his chair closer to mine .
Now was my chance I played with his hair tangeling my ring which we got after our first shift in his hair.He just smirked as I did so .Probably thinking how easy I am going to be.

Just before we were finished I yanked my ring out of his hair along with a few strands much to my amusement.

"Ouch what the hell ?" He yelled

"Oopsie " I started pouting as if I was going to cry making sure he noticed.

"No it's alright you just startled me" he said comforting

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