A foul stench

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Buttercup's  Pov

"What do you want ?"

"Dam I like you as a cheerleader ." He was smirking

"Pervert" was all I thought as I rolled my eyes behind a fake smile.

Just as I was about to retort something back.

Just as I was about to retort something back

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A scent burned my nose

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A scent burned my nose. Acid death can only be a vampire. My eyes darted nervously to the entrance doors. I was not the only one aware of our new arrival. Butch's eyes were also locked on the door. Matthew shifted to a protective stance. Everyone went on edge.  Alex sensed something is happening, yet she only scrunched her nose unaware of what the scent meant.

"Why do you all look like someone just spoiled a really good movie for you?" Alex giggled uncomfortably. The putrid scent was getting stronger as the seconds went by meaning it was coming closer.  Axel pushed Alex behind him with a sudden urge.  Alex knew not to fight his instincts.

Blossom's pov

My ears pricked up listening for the faintest noise. Brick looked furious he angled himself between me and the door. His teeth slightly barred. 

"I thought vampires were not allowed here according to the laws!" Brick's voice was barely human now.

"They are not" Matthew responded cold as death pure Delta.

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