Hello Again.

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Butch Pov

We watch them walk away.

"We aren't really going to let them go alone are we ? " Boomer piped up.

I turned towards Boomer and Brick.

"Of course not we are going just without them knowing " I smirked .

Buttercup Pov

"What took you two so long and what the hell are you wearing." I asked looking confused at my sisters with complete concern.

"Well ,what did you expect of us you also came in your sports uniform." Blossom spat back.

"Yeah well our sports  uniform is a jersey and shorts .That still doesn't explain why both of you are wearing cheerleading outfits." I pointed to Matthew's outfit and mine .

Matthew was just enjoying this situation chuckling softly.

"I couldn't find my clothes and we were in a hurry so I borrowed Blossom's back up outfit."Bubbles replied with hair still dripping.

"Great now you two really put a target on our backs ." I face palmed myself.

"What!" Bubbles shrieked .

" Nobody would be stupid enough to attack us with Matthew here.Plus Buttercup will just wined up killing whoever tries to attack us.She really is just a big teddy bear. " Blossom said comforting.

"True " I answered half listening as we walked towards down town .

I had a feeling we were being watched
but I couldn't find anyone anywhere near us.

"Wait I am not a teddy bear " I stopped and whined.

"Yes you are !" Both my sisters giggled .

"You definitely are Buttercup "Matthew also gave his opinion

"Your are suppose to be on my side Matthew " I rolled my eyes.
Butch Pov

"What the hell are they wearing " I muttered before Brick put his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up do you want them to find us ?" Brick whispered .

"No ,but you can't be serious hell they can practically be walking around with a poster saying please attack us."I said after removing Brick's hand from my mouth .

"Sssh I think they are getting suspicious " Boomer motioned to where they were cautiously looking around.

"Or they have finally come to their senses about this place " I grumbled.

"I don't like this I am getting a really bad feeling"Brick whispered.

Buttercup Pov

We reached downtown but still had know idea where the Spirit coven was.

"Well now what ?" Blossom asked

"I don't know we just need to find the Spirit coven. The ancestors must always be vague they could not have narrowed it down." I said trying to look for any obvious signs.

A decent looking man walked towards us he stopped right in front of me.

"Hey , do you girls need directions?" He asked friendly.

"Yes please we are looking for well we don't exactly know what. " Bubbles said

Matthew came up behind Bubbles.

"Is there maybe an old antique shop or magic shop nearby?"Blossom asked the man.

"I don't know but I can for a price ." he came closer to close for my liking.

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