The end of an era

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Buttercup Pov

My sisters and I were flying around in a  dark gloomy forrest chasing something that was unnaturally fast.We could barley make out shadows of it rushing between trees.

What ever it was , it had supernatural  abilities .We would know considering we were witches that was where our powers truly came from not an experiment gone wrong  as we told everyone

We finally caught up to the creature panting heavily  .

It was a green leopard who appeared to not be out of breath at all. It was just sitting in the middle of a clearing with the dim moonlight shining straight down onto it giving the leopard a sense of wisdom and power .It looked straight at me as if it knew something that I didn't know,but should know .

"Buttercup it's time to wake up!" its voice boomed through my entire being with its  glowing green eyes staring into my soul.

I jolted awake and in that movement fell off of my bed . A defeated groan escaped my mouth .I was contemplating to just go back to sleep on the floor .

Until I heard a heavy thud from the hallway. I slowly stood up to inspect  what kind of idiot is up this early since it was 3 in the bloody morning ! My anger rose  as I made my way to the hallway since my suspicion was that whoever is awake a woke me .

I came out into the hallway ready to yell and curse whoever was disturbing my sleep.I froze .My feet were wet .The smell of blood seeped into my nostrils and lungs.

My sisters ,my beloved sisters were laying on the ground. A giant pool of blood trickling from their lifeless bodies to my feet.

I clenched my fists tears threatening to leave my eyes . As I readied myself to attack. I felt a familiar pinch . That of a  needle  piercing my  skin. The contents of the syringe drained into the veins of my neck .A burn, a horrendous burn spread across my body. I felt as my powers vanished, as if it never existed.

Witch Hazel the only thing that can take away our powers temporally.

I was about to attack this coward .When a steel blade was pressed to my throat. The cold metal drew blood .
After that  I was jetted into a suffocating darkness as I felt myself leaving the world behind .

News channel the next day

New Townsville young heriones died early this morning during a home invasion . The robbers violently slashed their throats before runnig of with a few valuables. Police speculate  that the alleged burglars came only to murder the Powerpuff girls but will not release any further details since it is still an ongoing investigation. The Mayor announced that there will be a public service to honor the young heroines for their duty towards New Townsville. Our thoughts are with their family during this tough time .

The girls were buried in their  ancestral cemetary since it was customary among witches . This allowed them to become ancestors and look after others of their kind .They would now become part of the spirit world.

Author's note
Hey so firstly I don't own most of the characters or art or music.
I Love nightcore and will most likely put a video with each chapter.Most of the story will be in buttercups pov and warning this is my world so things might get crazy.

How was the first chapter.What will happend next ?
Bye love you guys and gals
Please commet I am just a lonely bean and love answering people

Also I decided to republish this book since I have time now so yeah also I am heavily revising and adding new details

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