And then came the plan.

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Buttercup Pov.

"What is wrong, the one that does not have  super smell also wants to know?" Alex asked curiously in a child like tone

"You all have the something is wrong face,just tell me " she continued to whine.
Matthew walked over sensing trouble.His main job currently as he puts it is to keep us out of trouble and safe.So he is pretty much everywhere.

One of the guys raised their eyebrows when she spoke about super smell .

Fuck they must have super hearing .Well the dumb blonde just gave the game away by responding to Alex's comment. Matthew also seemed to snap what was going on.He changed his stance from relaxed to protective. Showing off his future rank. It was a slight change only werewolves would notice.

"They smell of magic "I said  in our dead language that we taught Alex for just such ocasions. The rest of us had a mindlink so we could communicate throuhg that.
No one outside of our circle knows this language.
We of course learned it from our time with the ancestors .This was literally a dead language. My eyes shortly shifted to the group of eyes and when all three looked confused I knew they were listening in.Suckers .

Alex eyes widened .You could see the gears shifting inside hear little head.

They must be using an spell of some kind  we would feel it if they were witches I thought.

Blossom nodded .

"Stop looking at me even though we are having a conversation others don't know it " Blossom scolded as a just rolled my eyes at her.
"You are the one nodding "I stated

Well boys you just brought magic into the wrong school.

"I have an idea Alex if you are up for it "

She immediately looked pleased.

"We will teach you  a new spell and need some of their dna." I whisperd softly with a sinister wink.


"I will explain more during lunch" I said turning towards my next class.

Butch Pov

We walked in.
And all the girls hanged on our lips .One of the perks of having a perfect werewolf body. Girls throw themselves at you.

I saw four girls staring at us I felt drawn to the raven haired one for some reason but I shook it off . They all looked shocked .
Their scent was diffrent it was none existing except for one who smelled clearly like a witch.

"What is wrong, the one that does not have  super smell also wants to know?"the witch went on like a toddler.

I was listening to their conversation. Boomer as well because he raised an surprised eyebrow which didn't go unnoticed by the group.
An older blonde guy joins them .He smells like a werewolf.
After a minute I noticed his stance had swifted to a protective one of a Delta. Please like I would be bother by a Delta

This group was interesting. As I tried to listen further I couldn't understand a word .

"Hulle ruik na towerkrag" The raven haired one replied with a smirk.

Apparently Both my brothers were listening as well since they also looked confused and shocked like myself.

Our scents were cloaked since we are the last hope for our pack. The Rising River pack is in a losing battle against vampires so we went into hiding since we are the heirs of the pack.All three with a clear Alpha gene .

At Lunch

Buttercup Pov
I sat down at our table . I felt the others eyes on me burning on my skin. But I continued to eat my lunch like nothing is wrong.Untill my mood changed to bubbly .

After about 5 minutes of giggling and smiling Bubbles left my mood alone.
I shot her my signature death glare.

" Ok are you going to stop playing around Buttercup tell us your plan." Blossom almost yelled at the annoyance I caused her.

"Well it is easy they are fuckboys so we play hard to get then after school act interested and then we just pluck some hair or something ." I said quite matter of factly.
Like it would be that easy .All three of us were born with the Alpha gene .We don't like acting submissive .

"So when do you plan on getting them after school ?" Bubbles asked as if I am stupid.

"Ugh well like Alex said this morning each one of them wants to join one of our activities my dear sister . "I motioned to the three of us .

"Ok but what about the spell I don't know one to identify magic. "Alex said nervous.

"Don't worry I know a spell you just get some chalk and meet us in the forest at four we will meet you there with the rest."

"I told you we would teach you some spells" I replied annoyed at all the questions.

"I don't like this plan of yours what if something happens to one of you" Matthew raised his voice.

"Then we will take care of it " I snapped.

Bubbles Pov

We were all siting in science pretendig to listen to what the teacher was saying well except for Blossom who was making notes for Alex because we understood everything already. A year of teaching from the ancestors and you know a lot.

Our minds however were not. After this morning we decided to cast a spell so that Alex could talk to us using her mind during school.

Buttercup was however listening to music and humming along to it.

(The song she was listening)

I felt my senses tingling and snap out of the conversation about shadow spells with Alex.

Someone was staring at me.

I turned around and saw ocean blue eyes looking at me . He seemed friendly.
I wanted to smile back until Buttecup' s voice came through my mind like a thunderstorm .

"Don't you dare smile back Bubbles I know your sweet self but remember the plan we want them to want us so please look disgusted and turn around" Buttercup commanded letting out a soft growl.

I did as she said since Buttercup is the most dominant of the three of us.Plus she's mean.

I looked back slightly and saw the boy I think was named Boomer 's face look disappointed. I don't like hurting others without good reason.

Brick Pov
I was staring at the redhead in front of me intently making notes in her notebook. Boomer was doing the same but he was staring at the blonde . And Butch was sleeping drooling onto his book.

Until I heard a soft growl at first I thought it was Butch growling in his sleep . It was not him since he woke up staring at me accusing me through the mindlink .

Just when we were about to physically attack each other Boomer's Alpha voice broke through. He didn't use it often so when he did everyone would listen.

"That growl you two idiots are fighting about was not one of us because if you were listening you would have heard it was a growl that sounded more like a jaguar than a wolf"

We stopped fighting and looked around trying to figure out were it came from with no succes.

Author 's note
I do not own most of the music ,pictures,drawings or characters. So it is a lot longer .Also the dead language is an actual language it's just not a dead language. Bye guys and gals

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