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Butch Pov
I was thinking about it and it didn't take too long to figure out who he thought was my "mate".

" Now  do you have any proof to this absurd idea Axel " I asked sceptically

"I don't need any the moment you see them again you should feel better.Then you should just get closer to them."

"You want us to get close to the three people who hates us the most just be like hey we are mates let's all go live happily ever after in a giant packhouse and have pups." Brick rolled his eyes

"Well Bubbles doesn't hate me, she told me so herself. " Boomer squeaked childishly sticking his tongue out.

"See it's not that hard "Axel laughed.

Brick and I gave each other a knowing look and smacked both the other two over their heads.

Buttercup Pov
We arrived at school all tanned and rested . Cindy was no where to be seen figures she would keep herself scarce after the incident.

****Time skip to a Free period ****

I stomped straight to Blossom 's locker were she was busy taking out a few books.Minding her own business.

"Dear Sister, I demand your attention" She looked at me with an amused look.

" What the hell is wrong with your face Buttercup "she was clearly amused by my attitude

"Well usually Pervert Kyle tries to touch me ..." I grumble but Blossom interrupted already aware of this weekly exchange.

"And you would kick his ass to next Wednesday and be on a high from beating him up .Why does your spirit love beating people up so much ?" She slowly continues causing me to grow impatient

"Well this morning he tried it again but when I turned around to give him the beating of his life Butch had him pinned to the ground punching him repeatedly " I whined

"And I don't know why.Blossom he took my punching bag" I continued to whine.

"Well good you are already in trouble for your arguments with Cindy,Tyler and Butch."Matthew said as he popped out of nowhere.

"I don't care have you noticed that the three fuck boys are acting differently?" I whispered

"No not really ,although I just came back today" Matthew causally said leaning against the lockers.

"Yes ,We missed you too you big teddy bear Axel was just gone longer " I replied as Matthew faked a hurt look before laughing.

"I have also not noticed anything out of the ordinary, just to go back on topic" Blossom said from inside her locker.

"O really Brick has not let you out of his sight since we arrived back . " I stated motioning to where Brick and Butch were standing just out of hearing range .

"That is just a coincidence "

"O really observe the coincidence" I remarked spotting Bubbles walking towards us and Boomer watching like a hawk  a safe distance behind her.

"Bubbles drop your books please and make it believable" I begged nicely through the mindlink

"Why they are heavy and I am so close to my locker" she whined

" Because I said please and you get to practice your drama skills "

"Fine but you owe me a for using my acting abilities."


She walked another three steps precisely before tripping and steadying herself with her hand dropping her books. Mumbling "I am such a clutz " over and over

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