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Buttercup's Pov

I was functioning on pure instinct. My legs moved at a breaking speed. I reached Alex and Axel's bedroom. I hear the others finally react downstairs.

Alex is slumped down on the floor blood dripping from her eyes, nose and mouth. My eyes fall to the cursed book. I spring into action.

"I promise..." My promise is the only thing that makes sense to me as I see Alex's lifeless body.

I flip through the book to the page I had prepared the day I heard the prophecy. I knew the page number and title by heart at this. Page 227: Resurrection.

I am willing to pay any price.

"Vida à morte do mea loco"I whisper over and over holding Alex's body. Tears started to blur my vision, but I continue the spell over and over. My green magic started to full the entire room. My hair rose as a green light emitted through the room. Magic blasted through me.

Then the comforting darkness took me...

Blossom's Pov

I was struck with confusion. One second everything was normal and the next our entire world was ripped apart. My scent was unsealed I could smell my own scent of pomegranates wrap around me like a soft blanket. It took another millisecond to smell him; Brick's cinnamon and firewood invade my nose. I realized all our scents have been unsealed as I smelled my sisters and Brick's brothers. I then become aware that Buttercup was gone. Axel looked destroyed. He barely moved. His face was mortified. It was like he had turned to stone.

"Shit" It all fell into place.

"No, Buttercup please don't!!" I screamed. I was up and running up the stairs followed by the rest of the people downstairs except for Axel. He was fused into one permanent pose.

We arrive at the top of the stairs and see the flashing of green light. I moved towards the room faster. When I reached the door I threw up from the sight in front of me. I heard Bubble's and my mother horrid screams. My father's growl vibrated through me. Matthew punched the door and broke down crying. Butch froze up instantly. He mirror Axel 's behaviour downstairs. Boomer comforted Bubbles and took her screaming body away from the scene.

Hands weighed down my shoulders.

"Come on Love, you should not look at this much longer." Brick's voice desperately urged me to move.

I could not move away. I stared at the scene in front of me - my mother kneeling with Buttercup's head in her lap crying. Alex's body lying next to them.

"No! It should have worked one of them should still be alive." I turned into Brick and started hitting his chest repeatingly. Tears and snot was streaming down my face. He just stood there silently taking my wrath.

"It m-makes no sense." I wailed pounding my fists into him.

My screams were barely audible through Bubble's.

"She did not say this would happen." Butch mangled out a whisper.

There was a loud creaking of wood. Axel appeared out of nowhere, he looked more murderous than I have ever seen him on any battlefield.

"You asked her to do this?" Axel seethed. All our attention that we could muster was on them.

"Yes" It was the first time I heard Butch not sound smug or confident, instead he sounded so empty and broken.

"You fucking asshole you took both of them from us." Axel threw Butch out of the window. He landed on the ground bleeding from a few cuts. He was so broken the small cuts did not even heal.

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