The aftermath

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Buttercup Pov

"Shit Alex is going to kill me it has not even been a few seconds and I have already lost Butch" . I internally punched myself .

Turning into the hallway I first made sure that Alex wasn't in sight.

I let out a breath not spotting anyone.

"You lost him didn't you ?" Alex whispered next to me.

I jumped into the air so high I almost went through the ceiling.

"Where did you come from you scary old bat "I shrieked.

"One Ouch ,Two I came from the left while you were looking the other way. Now do you mind explaining why from all three King sisters you already lost your master?" Her eyes were drilling into mine for answers.

"Well technically he walked off without me so I am innocent. " I held my hands up.

"Why did he walk off Buttercup ? " her voice started sounding more wolflike as she channeled her beta side.

"So I kind of said something about him and his brothers being delusional. " I avoided her eyes.

"And just so you know alpha out ranks beta so your voice won't work on me " I teased.

"Well you owe me now and I know what you can do to make it up ." She smiled .

"Depends on what you want I owe a lot of people. " I emphasized the a lot part.

"I want to lend the black magic spellbook of Haitia"She asked referring to my family spell book.

I felt my chest tightening and my breathing slowing down .My mind wandered back to the prophecy.

An ancient spell will be spoke there and misery would rein.

Of course Haitia had three spellbooks one for spirit magic Blossoms book,One for nature magic Bubbles book and the one passed down to me .

Haitia the mother of witches said to be the very first Williams witch.Her book contains potent ancient spells that requires a lot of power just to cast .

Alex snapped me out of my thoughts impatiently tapping her foot.

"No I don't even know about such a book ,Why do you need it?." I was lying the best I can.

"I need the reversal spell"she stated

"Are you mad that spell is rumoured to have killed anyone who dares cast it.Why would you even need it ?"I was furious that she would try to dabble in such magic.

" As a favour" she replied

"Well I don't know if it even really exists let alone where it is " I lied .

"Alex we need you over here" One of the student council members waved her over.
I let out a breath of relief.

"Liar ,I have seen the book in your room."she jogged off laughing.

Dam you ,you little snooper.

"And you better find Butch and apologize for your comment "she added briefly.

Well I guess I should go find Butch .

"Butch "I was creeping around whisper yelling around school .Hopefully he hears me .And I don't embarrass myself to much.

"Uhm " someone cleared their throat behind me .

"Yeah what do you want?"I just kept myself low and did not even turn to face the person.

"I would like to know why you are creeping around school whispering my brother's name" the voice was clearly trying not to laugh at my predicament.

I swiftly turned to face Brick .

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