Comfortable Grass

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 Buttercup's Pov

My muscles burned as I came to a stop focusing on my breathing.

"Someone is here." Caro warns lazily and nonchalantly Closing its eyes and going back to sleep. Lazy cat I mutter rolling my eyes scanning for the threat she warned about.

I tried to respond to the oncoming threat when I was tackled to the ground and surrounded by Axel 's scent. I pretended to bite his arm which he held my head down with. He immediately pulled it away knowing fully that I would bite his arm without remorse.

"Ass" I spat at him.

He laughed his soothing laugh, "You are the one that is not on your guard in a new territory and with a war on the horizon." He tsk-tsked at me.

Axel sat up with a knee propped up staring at the forest around us as I laid arms and legs spread like a starfish relishing in the feel of the soft grass against my skin. The sun was heating my body softly.

"This is good grass so soft not like the violent grass back home that stabs you and scratches you." I amused rolling onto my stomach limbs still spread.

"Only you love grass so much and you look like a pup!" He chuckled so hard he lost balance and almost fell over.

"Axel, How bad is this war going to be?" I questioned him

"Look," He took a deep breath gaining courage to speak.

"It is really bad I have seen altercations between werewolves and vampires before, but this is something else. While I visited the other smaller packs I saw the true extend of the war. Buttercup, The royal vampires are all involved, not just Victor, and they are not just targeting young wolves anymore..." Axel draws into himself the horrors of what he heard and saw running rampant in his eyes.

"They are killing pups, babies the youngest was only a month old." He seethed hatred rose into his face.

"But, they are different my father says they are traveling weirdly. They are teleporting through shadows and some have started to fight during the day."

A thunder comes from besides us. Followed by Matthew's giant body almost falling on me.

"Hey dweebs, what heavy subjects are you discussing? I can practically taste it the darkness." He lies down in the grass.

"The war you big oaf like you have not been eavesdropping." I huffed.

"Guilty" He smugly wiggles into the grass next to me.

"Mhmm comfortable grass." He mused closing his eyes

"You too you weirdo what is your fascination with grass! Grass is grass." Axel looks defeated

"The Rising river pack has not even been hit with the full vampiric army. The others believe a witch if not an entire coven is helping the vampires." Matthew says

"A witch would not help vampires. They stay out of such matters they tend to keep to their side of the triangle." I respond referring to the triangle of supernatural being s witches, vampires and werewolves we hold the control over the entire supernatural order.

"Well, these are tuff fuckers Buttercup, you three Princesses will have to shift to fight and be at full power for once no more slacking off and using magic to fight." Axel huffs from above my head somewhere.

"Speaking of princesses, what is wrong with you three lately you have been winded up very tight, Bubbles bumped into a door a few days ago and did not apologise profusely?" Matthew asked concern lacing his stern face.

I sucked in a breath, opening my eyes and looking at the clouds for a few moments. I contemplated telling them.

Axel and Matthew eyed each other before both sitting up straight and staring into my restless soul.

"I might as well tell you, but you have to brace yourselves." I gather my mental strength and sit up.

"There is a prophecy. We received it the week before the hell week and everything went to shit. It is as follows:

A war is coming, but do not fear for it will be won at a cost.

Two prophecies shall commence. This is to be the first.

An enemy forgotten would return far stronger than before.

The river and mountain will meet.

An ancient spell will be spoke there and misery would rein.

With the fall of the little red witch would all be unsealed.

And we believe that Alex is the red witch in the prophecy." I end off winded. I felt relieved as it all came pouring out of me.

I lift my head and see Axel's pale face. Matthew looks like someone just hit him with a wet noodle.

"Buttercup, promise me you will bring her back. You will bring her back to me please you can do it right? You are strong enough please tell me you can do it." Axel begged in a whisper.

I wrapped him in a hug to stop myself from crying.

"I will I promise..."

We just laid in the grass together for hours in silence until well after midnight.

Butch 's Pov

I silently step into a hiding spot in the trees far enough not to hear them, but still see them. It was not my intention to watch them I just wanted to run and rest in my safe spot while being healed by the forest. When I arrived here it was already occupied. My heart gave a strong beat as I spied Buttercup rolling around in the grass just like I would have done. I had half a mind to join her when Axel appeared.

I wanted to give them their privacy but I could not move. Buttercup's aura was unsettling. It caused me to be restless as well just because my mind believes this girl is my soul mate. Somebody please kill me I yelled in my head embarrassed by myself. I made myself comfortable in the brush and just stayed there gaining peace of mind from the forest around me. Although I felt like a stalker I could not help myself. It was amusing watching Buttercup being so natural with Matthew and Axel it was the most relax I had seen her since she jumped out of the SUV over poor Bubbles. It made my heart clench lovingly and I almost puked. I chuckled at the image and remembering my brother almost jumping from the window to ask Bubbles whether she was okay. Here I was this big strong alpha werewolf obsessing over a girl who might not even be my mate like a love sick puppy. And she has turned me into a fucking stalker too I grimaced still unable to pull myself or my wolf eyes away from the raven head. It broke my stone heart when she hugged Axel I could feel her despair yet I could not understand the reason for it. It consumed me as much as it did her.

I fucking hate this already. Mates are fun they said , mates make life worth living they said, yeah well this is not fun hiding in the bushes to afraid to be beaten by Buttercup if I am wrong or right either way she will have plenty of reason to beat me. I finally get up more determined than ever to get my scent unsealed and settled this confusion once and for all. If she is my mate I can finally rest if she is not I can finally stop obsessing over Buttercup.

Author 's note

I do not own any music , pictures, drawings or most of the characters .

Poor Butch is really struggling with the feelings.

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Bye guys and gals 🦄🦄🦄🦄

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