20 questions

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Butch Pov.
Two days it has been two days and the scratch mark was still there .It won't heal and keeps bleeding.

It was driving me insane I started getting anger bursts.I was growing increasingly violent. I almost tore Boomer 's head off this morning .He just asked if I wanted breakfast.

I also punched Brick for stateing that the mark wasn't healing.

I have been trying to remember when and where I got it when Brick told me he found blood on my soccer jersey.That ticked me off again .

And that was when it clicked.I remembered what happened.

Buttercup Pov.

I am in a bad mood this morning because Ash was being difficult he bucked me off and my fucking guitar teacher was being extra touchy today and above all I had too be at school an hour earlier than usual because Alex wanted to tell us something 'important ' I can't think of anything so important.

And I wasn't even fully awake yet since there was no coffee in the house.Thank you Matthew.

I heard footsteps behind me and since the only people at school this early was me and my sisters.And of course Matthew the jerk himself .I thought it might be Alex. Since the rest was at the end of the hall.

"Finally Alex what the hell are we doing at school this early" I said angrily shoving books into my locker.

I turned around when Butch pushed me up against the lockers with his hand  around my throat growling .

"What are you and why is your scratch mark not healing" he demanded eyes glowing dark green.

In a flash Matthew was next to me and punched Butch releaseing his hold on my neck.Matthew was now pissed off and beating Butch .
"Matthew release him " I growled in my Alpha voice.
"Like hell he was hurting you" He growled back.

"Immediately "I demanded letting my wolf side put him in place.

"Yes Buttercup " He jump off of Butch lowering his head in submission.

With that Butch jumped up and grabbed my throat again.

I wriggled free and knocked him into the lockers on the other side when my hand went to his throat .I saw the bandage it was already bleeding through with green mixed in along with his blood

My eyes widened " You're actually dying"

"Shit I thought that was a myth" I mumbled to myself.

He was angry too angry to even listen so I ran out at full speed into the forest with him behind me.

I was actually enjoying the run so much that I started using the trees jumping from tree to tree.

"Are you a fucking vampire " he yelled from under the trees snapping me back to reality.

"No you fucking idiot " I mocked him as he tried to catch me.I was trying to wear him out a little.

"Blossom ,Bubbles bring Alex to the forest where we did the spell "I sent through the mindlink.

Before I jumped down and pecked him on the lips he calmed down . Just as I expected I was the antidote.

"We will as soon as she arrives " Blossom said

"Please don't get yourself killed "Bubble's voice came in .

"I won't I promise "

I sat down against a tree trunk Butch sat down next to me still looking confused and shocked because for the past 2 days we haven't even spoken to him or his brothers.And he was probably in a daze with the mark .

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