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Bubbles Pov

I woke up with a gasp. The memories flushing through my brain.
I frantically start screaming for my sisters trying to warn them about the danger. It's only after I heard another gasp and a few well a lot,of curse words from Buttercup that I relaxed .My hand hovering over my throat .I thought I died .

I took in my surroundings realizing I was no longer in my family home. We were laying on the ground in front of an old styled mansion with a arch that read "Williams " . Old willow trees stood in the garden .An abandoned swing hanging from a low branch .

"Huh Williams why does that sound so familiar" Blossom's voice broke the eerie silence of this place .Her face was scrunched up with pure concentration.

There were at least a hundred other mansions on either side of the road all of which looked identical to the one in front of us.The only difference was the arcs had different names on.It was darker outside but some how we could still see perfectly.I felt oddly  comfortable here .

A familiar looking woman walked up to us and we stood up. From where do I recognize her

"My poor angels you came here before your time." she said with sorrow

"We died I think ,so where are we ?" I asked hazily still trying to remember this woman's face .Then my brain pieced it together there was an old family portrait of her in our attic. I stumbled upon it once when looking for art supplies.

The old lady just nodded her head and answered my question , "Firstly I am your grandmother I died before you were born and this is the home of the ancestors also known as the spirt world . Welcome to your new home the rest of our family can't wait to meet you. You three have quite the reputation as the last born from our bloodline and heroines after all!"

She looked so proud like a true grandmother.

Her eyes turned dark with an sadness"It is truly sickening that someone would murder my twelve year old grandbabies just to end our blooldline all because of a prophecy. "

Blossom Pov

"Uhm excuse  me  Lady but our surname is not Williams we are Utonium." I said trying to not look at her like she is crazy.

"And what prophecy are you talking about ?"

"Heavens dear child Williams is your mother's maiden name but I guess your father never told you .Seeing as she left you all. ."she shook her head.

"Now come along my angels ."

Reluctantly we followed her into the mansion.We each settled into our rooms before meeting the rest of the family. We were immediately accepted into the house.

One year later

Buttercup pov.
In the past year our family has taught us every spell there is and gave us each an old family spellbook locked by bloodmagic.

They were open and would tell us about their lives ,but there were two subjects they never answered and always avoided.

Our mother and the prophecy.

One evening the light turned form a silver glow to a bright red and the ground started to shake violently.

"What's going on ?" I asked my grandmother as chanting arose from nowhere .(A/n the chorus of the song is the chanting 1:12 )

"It's  the choosing of the spirt animals ." Her answer came before she too started chanting .

My entire family joined in chanting this ancient spell. Everyone made their way to a clearing .The same one I saw in my dream.

A woman in her thirties stood in the middle .She raised her hands and the chanting stopped .

Three lights shot up from out of now where.As the woman was the only one left chanting.(A/N go to 2:42)

The lights engulfed me and my sisters making our entire bodies glow in our signature colours.

" You the last borns of Williams blood will  be reborn as werewolves with witch animal spirits .It's an honor since you  become immortal and  stand for the peace between the wolves and witches." She uttered as clear as daylight.

"Grandmother what is she talking about we have only been here a year and no we have to leave  ?"I half asked half stated trying to make sense of all the new information.

"Listen you three were always special don't worry we will always have your back here in the spirit world. You will remember your previous life and time here so be brave my angels.Now we don't have long your destinies await."she kissed each of us on our foreheads much to my  dismay.

As she finished talking we started to glowing again .A tingle runnig across my body.I felt something I haven't  felt in a year .I felt alive.

Author's note
Once again I still don't own the art or the music or the characters.
What do you think ?
Do you like the song it's literally one of my personal favorites.

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