A little competition

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Buttercup Pov

This day was  getting too long for me and it wasn't even over yet.

To keep count I have been in two fights ,had to kiss Butch twice ,had Alex's perform a spell  ,did not have any coffe ,got bucked off and Axel has came back.So extremely busy. At this rate I will lose control and shift very soon.

We were doing a few drills . Today we will also work on a few new game strategies since Axel was back on the team.

I noticed Butch was not focusing and keeps eyeing the cheerleaders.He kept missing shots and ignoring the cues given to him by the other players.And today of all days was not a day to piss me off any further.

"Do you want us to stop practicing so you can finish checking out your girlfriend?" I yelled pointing at the cheerleaders . The rest of the team stopped what they were doing.

"Huh "

"Huh all you can say is huh the season's matches starts in 2 weeks. And you are not paying attention to what we are doing."

"That is it You  know what I have had enough shit for today you are benched for the first 3 games " I spoke with authority.

As I was speaking Cindy walked up behind me .

She tapped me on my shoulder I turned around .

" Would you leave my boyfriend alone he is the best player on this pathetic team" she yelled in my face.Some of her spit flew in my face as she yelled like a crow.

"Get out of my face before I rip your head off and as for pathetic team we haven't lost a game in 2 years" I answered  back in the tone our father taught us to speak to uncooperative wolves.

I ran my tongue over my teeth feeling my canines coming out slightly. Yep I have been pushed too far too many times today.

" Aw the only reason you are on this team in the first place is because of Daddy's money " Cindy was pushing her luck.

"Cindy I  advise you to go back to your cheerleaders immediately "Matthew made himself heard trying to defuse the situation.

"Aw the big brother also speaks up huh"she mocked Matthew

"Cindy I would stop it if I were  you "Axel stated trying to be serious.

He knew my limits better than anyone .Seeing as he has been the one too push them a lot over the years.

"Now why would I do that Axel"she purred seductively. Like what the actual fuck her boyfriend was like standing right next to her.

" Listen you little slut Axel has a girlfriend and my father did not pay  to get me here unlike your sorry ass I worked to become captian" I  growled eyes glowing I looked down at the grown in time for no one to notice the flashlights in my head.

She grabbed my lucky charm and tried to choke me.

Blossom Pov.

I came late to cheerleading but when I finally came I saw Cindy and Buttercup arguing. Cindy was actually trying to choke Buttercup .

Steam was coming  form Buttercup she was close to transforming.

"Who has Buttercup's whistle she is transforming in front of the entire soccer team" I screamed through the mindlink.

"I have it I am on my way" Bubbles said in a panic

There were three whistle each one made to be used in emergencies for one of us .We were the only one's rhat could hear our own whistle. It made us stop transforming but caused us a lot of pain and made us go into our deepest subconscious.

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