Revenge .

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Buttercup Pov.

After finishing the race I rode past my pack cheering me on .As I stood for pictures with the first place ribbon.

I reached the stables and dismounted.I lead Ash into the stables where I found Bubbles .She was just finishing off with grooming Donut. I
gave Bubbles Ash's reins.

"Bubbles please give him what ever he needs and wants for being such an amazing boy." I said patting Ash.

Bubbles nodded heading off .

"Sure thing but I still want a picture together" "And I am not a slave I am doing this because I am guessing you are going to help Blossom now" She replied as she walked off.

I made my way back to the stands after discarding my helmet.

"Axel and Matthew follow me please." I commanded .

"Buttercup where are you going I need you to hold Pegasus while I mount"Blossom whined knowing I was planning something.

"Ugh fine I need to go ,but I will find someone else to help you" My eyes scanned the crowds before landing on someone who looks bored enough to help.

"Hey Brick get your ass here "I yelled he rolled his eyes yet got up and came over.

"What " he asked annoyed

"No please I don't want his help"Blossom pleaded through the mindlink..

"Well to bad this is pay back for the Tyler thing"I laughed over the mindlink.

"Brick would you please help my sister mount up"I ask in my nicest tone.

"Sure "
I watch them walk off Blossom with a scowl on her face.

"You two meet me at the old empty stables"

I turned my attention back to stands .I found Cindy alone.
Big mistake .
I grabbed her by her ponytail and dragged her off screaming to stables.

"Keep watch and don't come in unless you smell blood" I pointed to Axel and Matthew.

"So you think you can mess with my family and horse " I laughed turning invisible and kicking her in the stomach.

She hunched over double ,clutching her stomach with her arm.

"What are you you freak "she yelled into the darkness.

I reappeared right in front of her revealing my canines. " You have know idea "I laughed.

I transformed into my wolf from which was black with leopard like green spots all over my body.

Cindy screamed as I lunged forward.

Let the game begin.

Meanwhile outside.


"Axel should we go in now  " Matthew asked concenred .

"No she said if we smell blood and I don't smell anything plus she is like a cat she will play with Cindy till she is bored then she'll kill her eventually." Axel said bored.

Matthew rolled his eyes and sighed

Back inside.

I snarled at her before disappearing again.

"Where are you ,you freak wolf?" She screamed .
I jumped down onto her reappearing with my teeth around her neck before jumping off and disappearing.

20 minutes of this later

I reappeared and scratched her . I didn't want to bite her just in case she becomes a wolf too. Just the mere thought of Cindy as a werewolf disgusted me deeply.

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